Restoration is Upon Us and Change is at the Door!

We are going from faith to faith in Him, able to bounce back, persevere, and finish the race as overcomers with glory!

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I pray this message finds you hungry and thirsty for MORE of the LORD!

At the Lord’s direction, I have been on sabbatical for two months and absent from social media. The Lord has led me into a time of rest for my spirit, soul, and body. It has been fruitful and He has been speaking in our daily times together. I have been receiving prophetic dreams and natural confirmations of what He is showing me and speaking. They are very HOPE-FULL and PROMISING! Isn’t that was the majority of new covenant prophetic messages are supposed to be; filled with hope, encouragement, comfort, and restoration of His promises. Most importantly it is to be with a redemptive message!

Prophecy is personal and intimate. It comes as a gift or a mantle of service and it is built through relationship. It is a look into His heart, having an ear to hear from Him and seeing from His eyes and that is exactly what I have been doing intentionally for two months. Seeking His heart, reading His word, listening to the direction of the Holy Spirit, and sitting with Him, to know Him even more! It has been a challenge at times not to be present in society on social media, having to say no to the public and yes to Him, but the reward of the solitude and fast is always so great!

You all know that I love to bring the word of the Lord to help encourage, build up, comfort, guide, and GIVE HOPE! Without sharing all the details of the dreams, our personal conversations, and spiritual signs in the natural I want to take a moment to release some of this fire that has been growing and is shut up in my bones! I truly believe it will encourage and strengthen you, giving you hope for the days ahead. I pray you will receive in faith the truth of this message and begin to declare and prophesy it yourself.

I do not know what other prophetic voices or prophets are saying, I have not been listening to or reading anything for the last two months. I pray what I bring to you today is a confirmation for you and what others may be saying. As always pray about the words released and judge them according to the word of God and allow your inner witness and the witness of the Holy Spirit to speak to you. There is so much more I could say and share about this at this time but I will release to you what I have written up today as a brief summary.

The word for the time we are in is RESTORE! It is time we speak and agree with what Heaven is saying and Heaven is speaking RESTORATION! I believe this is a personal, corporate, and national word which will affect the other nations! Let those who have ears to hear- hear, and those who have eyes to see – see, and may you have the experiential knowledge of it all come to pass. No matter what circumstances look like around us, and what “facts” may be presenting, we as a remnant and I in the office of a prophet, speak what Heaven is saying and showing.

I have been declaring and prophesying “RESTORATION”! As I have been driving, walking, or just meditating in prayer I have been releasing the prophetic declaration that “He is a God of restoration! That He will not leave us as we are but HE WILL RESTORE! This is His promise!”

I have been praying and releasing blessings on the regions I drive through, speaking LIFE to the dead places, and calling for a saturation of Heaven’s rain for the dry and thirsty places! Holy Spirit’s rain is coming!

I am primarily going to cover the word ‘restored’ today. It is time for faith to rise and to depart from our lips!! It is time to speak things that are not (yet) as though they are according to heaven! We must have eyes and words of FAITH! We are the just, and we live and walk by faith, not by sight!

In addition to the word of the Lord “restore”, I am also hearing and seeing a natural parallel in my personal life, churches, and society in general. I am hearing, “out with the old and in with the new”. (Yes, this will even affect government!)

Change is coming!

Not that some of the old was bad but it is ‘tired’. The grace and time are up! A changing of guards if you will. Unfortunately, some of the old was evil and it needs to be dealt with and God is doing that. These things need to be replaced or restored to a better condition, God’s best condition. This is not new news. A holy re-alignment has been in the works for some time. Just look at the signs in the sky with the eclipses in the past 7 years. He speaks in all kinds of ways.

So, God is “retiring” some people, places, and things. It is part of the process of the old to a new wineskin. We have been preparing for this time for years and we are now here at this place of crossing over the threshold. At the threshold are choices and it is up to us what we are going to do and how we are going to conduct ourselves. We must do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:8).

There is no life in going back, keeping the same ‘tired’ life, or in things going in a repetitive unfruitful cycle.

There is an urge to purge which lends to the cleansing process He is doing in HIS HOUSES! He loves His people and is jealous for His pulpits and houses. I am confident in His care, under His watchful eye, and as we seek Him and yield to the process of restoration and renewal we will get stronger and stronger, going from faith to faith in Him, being able to bounce back, persevere and finish the race as overcomers with glory!



A word from 7/10/24

God is continuing to speak the word RESTORE to me!

I have had God put the word ‘restore, restored, restoration’ in front of me for two months now. I have been sitting in, meditating upon and contemplating the scriptures that speak of Him as a RESTORER. That leads me to this morning 7/10/2024 (a date that includes two divine perfect order numbers; 7 and 10) So, I believe the Spirit is bearing witness to this message in this time.

I had a dream this morning of a friend we have been believing for his healing. He is wheelchair-bound and has been for 17 years (the number of being an overcomer). He carries an apostolic and prophetic anointing with a father’s heart! I have dreamt of his restoration for years but this dream was different…he never went back in the chair like the other dreams. The color of his clothes was significant too. It was a fresh spring green tracksuit with thin gold stripes down the side legs, side arms, and across the shoulders. He SPRUNG UP out of the chair at the word and encouragement of the Lord in the dream. He had believed and declared his restoration but there seemed to be a delay, but not anymore. The Spirit of God hit him in the dream and made his whole being come alive again. His legs were strengthened and as he faced the challenge of learning to walk again in the dream there was acceleration in his movement and he did it with great joy! There was a moment where he fell forward into the couch but immediately BOUNCED BACK UP with no delay or hindrance.

I knew immediately his springing up represented NEW LIFE like a tender shoot.

Rapidly shooting up and Breaking through! Being clothed with glory! His personal challenges were no more and the Spirit of God took over and empowered him to walk again! I believe many people will relate to the ‘waiting’ for restoration. And in the waiting, there has been hope deferred but the Lord wants to break that and allow our desires and hopes to become fulfilled, like a tree of LIFE!

There has been a ‘wait on the LORD’ time for many, including myself. I have continually heard Isaiah 40:29-31 for the last two months! I am telling you NEW LIFE IS IN THE WORKS!

He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might, He increases strength.

Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait (hope expectantly) on the LORD Shall renew their strength;

They shall mount up with wings like eagles,

They shall run and not be weary,

They shall walk and not faint. –Isaiah 40:29-31 NKJV


Dead things coming back to life. Ezekiel 37!

Prophesy to the dry and dead bones!


That GOLD (in the tracksuit), God’s glory is increasing and mending things that are broken and breathing NEW LIFE! He is weaving His glory into places that need healing and restoration!

Like the art of Kintsugi!

The mending of brokenness with GOLD; a GOLDEN JOINERY, it is a divine exchange!

As we JOIN TOGETHER with God, His Spirit is birthing NEW LIFE in many areas!

Restoring and rebuilding the ruins!

Joy for mourning!

Praise for heaviness!

Beauty for ashes!

Honor for shame!

It is a time for Isaiah 61 and Luke 4:18,19 (read and fulfilled by Jesus) to come and manifest in the natural again.

God is instructing us to no longer think upon or look back at the former things!

God has restoration in the works and more to come on massive levels! We will see them break through rapidly.

The enemy is going to be plundered as the LORD vindicates His people! Get ready to receive the treasures of Heaven and watch the LORD work miracles in our midst.

A time of restoration is upon us!

We must believe and speak it forth in faith!



I believe CHANGE is truly coming for the better!  It is at the DOOR!

This is a word for the Corporate body of Christ.


Purchase Dionne’s book The Art of Freedom: Keys To Restore Your Heart, Renew Your Soul, and Revive Your Body To Live Transformed here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Dionne White Ministries

Featured Image by Jerzy Górecki from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Dionne White Art and Mentoring exists to care for the soul of the culture in her community. She does this by creating and designing art divinely inspired to release beauty and display God's glory. Her work carries a message of hope, healing, peace, and restoration. Dionne weaves together the message of the cross and God's heart (Isaiah 61) along with the Japanese art of kintsugi method, "the mending of brokenness", using fine gold paint. This message and method are at the heart of her art, writing, speaking, instructing and mentoring. She is passionate about awakening souls to truth and identity of abundant life. Her mission is to blaze a path to peace through all her creative avenues and mentoring. As a prophetic artist, writer, mentor and speaker her heart is to fully connect and equip people with all God has for them in order to prosper and glorify Him. Redemption, Restoration, and Transformation describes her mission and purpose for God's glory.

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