Several years ago the Holy Spirit gave me an incredible dream, in that dream He took me into a building that was dimly lit and also had an atmosphere that seemed to be partially filled with smoke.
As I entered through the front door of this building, the smell of the smoke seemed familiar to me somehow, and as I entered the main chamber of the building I soon figured out why, because it was filled with what appeared to me as smoldering wicks.
Inside of the main chamber of this build, (what I saw), appeared to me as hundreds of smoldering wicks. These wicks were on fire all right, but they were only partially burning, it was like what happens when you’re trying to burn a pile of wet leaves in the natural realm.
As I walked into the room, I said, “Lord what is this place?” And He said to me, “This is a representation of the condition of many of My people currently in the church, for they’re attempting to burn for Me, but they’re trying to keep one foot in the world at the same time.”
A bruised reed He will not break, and A DIMLY BURNING WICK HE WILL NOT QUENCH; He will bring forth justice in truth.” Isaiah 42:3
When we attempt to live our lives without a full surrender to Jesus Christ, some parts of our lives seem to remain partially in the dark. The word “Smoking” or “Smoldering” means to “remain in obscurity” or “partially in the dark”. So a smoldering wick is one that is partially wet and partially dry and attempting to burn at the same time.
So many Christians who are trying to be on fire for Jesus Christ in this hour, are Smoldering instead, because of their compromised nature (attempting to keep one foot in the worldly realm) and they never seem to truly burn brightly for Jesus the way that they say that they want to.
As I continued to watch the scene unfolding inside of that sanctuary, (through the back door of that sanctuary that I came in through), there entered another Wick, but this One wasn’t Smoldering it was Completely Set Ablaze!
As this Burning Wick came into that Sanctuary, the wicks that were Smoldering began to fully Ignite when they connected with the Burning One and soon the Smoke was cleared from the Room and the Light of God was burning Brightly inside and Outside of the Structure!
For Zion’s sake will I [Isaiah] not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest until her imputed righteousness and vindication GO FORTH AS BRIGHTNESS, AND HER SALVATION RADIATES AS DOES A BURNING TORCH.” Isaiah 62:1
Referring to the angels He says, [God] Who makes His angels winds and HIS MINISTERING SERVANTS FLAMES OF FIRE;” Hebrews 1:7
God is going to Reignite many of those, within the Body of Christ, who have been smoldering wicks for a long time now! No longer attempting to remain lukewarm, God is going to bring His Burning Ones into the midst, to Recharge and Reignite those who haven’t burned out but also haven’t fully committed yet.
It’s time that we became fully Ablaze burning with the Power of the Holy Spirit serving the Lord (Romans 12:11).
Let all of the compromise go, and stop trying to be of the world and in Christ at the same time, otherwise, you’ll continue to just fill the atmosphere with confusion and smoke.
Become the Light of the World and be fully engulfed with A Passion for His Presence like never before, as He fully sets you Ablaze with His Power! You may be smoldering right now, but His Fire Is Coming so that You’ll Smolder No More!
Featured Image by roegger from Pixabay
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