Reclaim Your Identity, Rebirth Your Vision!

You have been strategically placed where you are, and have been uniquely designed for My specific plan for your life.

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Recently there’s been a surge in people seeking to break free from the status quo and redefine their identities.

It makes me wonder if they’re dissatisfied with their lives, or they just want a radical change.

There’s nothing wrong with change — but it’s important to know what the reason is for wanting to change.

We see teenagers today undergo dramatic makeovers, from being polished students to rock musicians with facial piercings.

Some people shift from reserved introverts to bold, free-spirited adventurers.

Some people try to be like celebrities that they admire. They imitate their style of dress, appearance, mannerisms, or behavior.

Some go as far as getting tattoos or cosmetic surgery which they sometimes later regret.

Some people want to reinvent themselves and are looking for more vibrant lifestyles.

Sometimes believers attempt to replicate another’s ministry when they are unsure about their own purpose and identity.

Some may not yet be familiar with the Holy Spirit’s leading, while others just admire the anointing on the other person’s life.

They may also try to emulate someone’s ministry thinking they could avoid the sacrifice and spiritual investment required to receive that unique anointing.

But The LORD has His own personal DNA for each one of us.

Those of you who are struggling in your walk with Jesus, only need to invest time and cultivate a relationship with Him so that you’ll discover what He has for you.

This sacred anointing comes with a great sacrifice, but it is attainable. There is a time to be on the mountaintop, but there is also a time to be in the wilderness.

There is a time in the lion’s den, and there’s a time in the Promised Land. You need to recognize where The LORD has you.

Some of you are having a spiritual identity crisis, not knowing what your gifts and callings are. It is comparable to the structure of a jigsaw puzzle.

You know that you are a piece of this puzzle but you are searching to see where you fit in.

The gift that The LORD has for you is befitting to your personal characteristics. Don’t try to be someone that you were not created to be, but just be a submissive yielded vessel and watch what The LORD will do.

The apostle Paul tells us to desire spiritual gifts and this should be natural for every believer. The LORD has created each one of us to be used with a particular presentation, teaching, writing, or prophetic word.

Each one of us has been created for a purpose. He has created you for such a time as this just the way that you are and wants to use you just the same. He has a commission for you that only you can fulfill.

Jesus delights in using ordinary people to do extraordinary things for His glory. Satan would love to change our identity so that we wouldn’t know who we were created to be.

He wants to distort the call of God on our lives by distracting us and taking us off course. Jesus has incredible plans for our lives, and all we need to do is yield to the Holy Spirit’s leading.

The LORD says, “I have designed you not only to survive but to thrive in the environment in which you have been created.

You have been strategically placed where you are, and have been uniquely designed for My specific plan for your life.

You have been born for this time and season in which you are living.

It is no accident that you were born on a particular day, month, and year, created with a distinct height, weight, and gender.

Even your personality has been engrafted into My Master Plan for your life.

Just as I have equipped and called the prophets of old to do great works, I AM also equipping you for great exploits in the days ahead.

You have been chosen to receive visitations from the King of Kings. You have been created to have encounters that you have not yet known.

Take your focus off your natural situations, and focus on spiritual realities.

Do not say that these times are too difficult to survive because I have created you to be a survivor.

Release your old ways of thinking and the mindsets that have kept you from advancing.

Do not fear what lies ahead because you have been created in My image.

Don’t let the enemy divert your attention off your purpose and My plan for your life.

You are a threat to the enemy, not by who you are, but by what you carry.

I have placed My Anointing on the inside of you in which there is no competition with the kingdom of darkness.

I have strategically designed you for greater works, and you will reclaim your identity, and rebirth the vision that I have for you!” says The LORD.

“For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them,” Psalm 139:13-16.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I ordained you a prophet to the nations,” Jeremiah 1:5.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on A Word in Season

Featured Image by Tereza Flachová from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Elaine Tavolacci's testimony is that she is Healed, Delivered, Restored, Renewed, and Set Free Indeed. She is Saved and Sanctified, Holy Ghost Filled, Fire Baptized. She is Called, Chosen and entering into her Destiny because she knows that her God is about to do Exceedingly, Abundantly, Above and Beyond All she could ever Imagine, Ask or Think in her life. What Elaine has endured in her past, she is going to use as fuel for her future. The devil came to Steal, Kill and Destroy her life but Jesus' promise to her is Life More Abundantly! Elaine declares, "I AM A SIGN AND A WONDER"