THE DANIEL DAY PODCAST: Mark Sowersby Interview

YOU JUST NEVER KNOW what people are going through…THIS STORY PROVES THAT THE LOVE OF JESUS can save anyone!

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Daniel Day
Daniel Day
THE DANIEL DAY PODCAST: Mark Sowersby Interview

Interviews with Pastor Daniel Day


First Assembly, New Port Richey

Daniel Day with Special Guests


DO YOU know someone who NEEDS TO LEARN how to forgive?

DO YOU know someone who NEEDS healing and redemption from the effects of abuse?


In this interview, Pastor Mark Sowersby shares the amazing journey that led him to a church that loved him towards a relationship with Jesus Christ. Little did that church youth group know, that this 16-year-old had spent more than half his life being beaten, raped, burned, and sold as a sex slave BY his stepfather.

YOU JUST NEVER KNOW what people are going through…THIS STORY PROVES THAT THE LOVE OF JESUS can save anyone!

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About the Author

A Kingdom creative.