You are an everyday influencer! You impact others right where you are. Make this summer a season of influence!
There are women of influence who write books, lead organizations, and have huge social media followings. Some may even use the title “Influencer”. But YOU are an influencer right where you are… in your home, community, church, and life activities.
You are an everyday influencer!
In this week’s video, Shari Braendel shows how to have a positive impact on those around you now as well as in the months to come! She describes how expertise in color analysis gives trained image consultants the ability to expand their circle of influence with the women around them.
To learn more about becoming a Certified Image Consultant through the SbC Color Academy, go to, or click on the link below. We invite you to look at the Color Academy application. Consider learning how you can increase your influence by helping women dress with confidence through expert color analysis.
Love what you see here? Check in again next Saturday at 11 a.m. EST for a brand-new Style by Color Stories video! Better yet, hit the subscribe button so you never miss an episode created to help you look polished, put-together, and modern in your everyday elevated style!
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