THE DANIEL DAY PODCAST: Dr. Kent Ingle Interview – Part 2

In this interview, Dr. Ingle breaks down the ramifications of THE EQUALITY ACT and what it would mean for Christian Education around the USA if it were to become the law of the land. We all need to be aware of this legislation and its consequences.

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Daniel Day
Daniel Day
THE DANIEL DAY PODCAST: Dr. Kent Ingle Interview - Part 2

Interviews with Pastor Daniel Day


First Assembly, New Port Richey

Daniel Day with Special Guests


In this interview, Dr. Ingle breaks down the ramifications of THE EQUALITY ACT and what it would mean for Christian Education around the USA if it were to become the law of the land. We all need to be aware of this legislation and its consequences.

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

A Kingdom creative.