EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: 20 Lies that Keep You with Your Abuser – with Dr. David E Clarke

In this episode, we’re talking with Dr. David Clarke, Christian Psychologist and author of 20 Lies That Keep You With Your Abuser. Tune it to understand Christian codependency, biblical truths that allow you a way out of your abusive marriage, and encouragement to move forward to reclaim your identity, your worth in Christ, and your freedom.

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Chris and Jamie Bailey
Chris and Jamie Bailey
EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: 20 Lies that Keep You with Your Abuser - with Dr. David E Clarke





Do you know someone, or perhaps you are that someone who keeps going back or staying with an abuser? It’s not uncommon, but it’s always unhealthy. In this episode, we’re talking with Dr. David Clarke, Christian Psychologist and author of 20 Lies That Keep You With Your Abuser. Tune it to understand Christian codependency, biblical truths that allow you a way out of your abusive marriage, and encouragement to move forward to reclaim your identity, your worth in Christ, and your freedom.

Check out episode 70 Enough is Enough with Dr. David Clarke https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-70-enough-is-enough-interview-with-dr-david-e-clarke-phd/id1533102376?i=1000569097222

Find our show notes at https://expeditionmarriage.org/post/podcast/ep-72-20-lies-that-keep-you-with-your-abuser-with-dr-david-e-clarke/

Find Dr. Clarke at:



*Disclaimer: The information discussed in this podcast is meant for entertainment purposes and is not meant to replace counseling or working with a trained healthcare professional.

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About the Author

Chris and Jamie Bailey are professional Christian counselors and marriage coaches. They run their private practice as well as online ministry, Expedition Marriage, from their home in Fort Mill, SC. They are the parents of three adult daughters and two adorable grandchildren. Together they run weekend marriage retreats, offer guest speaking, one day seminars, as well as run workshops in person and online. Together they hope to encourage Christian marriages and help them thrive abundantly.