Chris and Jamie Bailey

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: What Wives Need to Know about Husbands and Failure

In today’s episode, Chris and Jamie have a candid chat about the lens of success and failure that men often look at life through. We’re giving the wives a peek into the hearts and minds of many husbands who carry the burden and desire of being able to fix everything and be seen as successful.


Tune in today to hear what it is that women truly desire and check and see if you relate as a wife, or if as a husband it sounds like you need to check in with your wife to see how you’re doing!


Today’s episode is the final one in the Ready, Set, Grow series. We’re talking off the cuff about our own 27-year journey of growing old together. We hope you join us today as we share the flaws we each had to overcome, and what it took for us to get to a place where growing old together led us to deeper love and connection.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Planting Seeds in Your Children

Today’s episode is part 3 in the Ready, Set, Grow series. We’re talking all about the seeds that fall from your marriage into the lives of your children. Those seeds can be healthy and filled with love, conflict resolution, kindness, and good communication, or they can be unhealthy ones filled with criticism, strife, impatience, or mediocrity.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: From Chaos to Commitment – Our Marriage Journey

Not all marriage counselors start out in healthy marriages, especially when they started before they were counselors and when they were far from God. On this episode, we’re sharing the good, the bad, and the downright ugly of our marriage story hoping along the way you’ll see the goodness of God and the hope of healing.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Growth for the Passive Husband

We’re kicking off a new 5 part spring series called “Ready, Set, Grow”, and today we’re talking about the powerful impact husbands have in the home and why they just might need to grow out of and move away from their passive ways.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: The Best Marriage Advice

In today’s episode, we’re going to be sharing what you all said your best advice was. You’ll get to hear our thoughts and see if you’ve been applying any of this wisdom in your own marriage. Come join us!

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Spring Cleaning Your Marriage

Spring has almost sprung and we don’t know about you, but that makes us want to clean! It’s a season of making all things new, and we want that to include your marriage. Join us on this episode as we help you know what the steps are to spring clean your marriage with the same intention you open your windows and clean your house!

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Marriage Under Stress

Are you feeling STRESSED OUT? Well, if you’re undergoing some extra stress, that means your marriage is too. And today, we’re going to talk about all that stress and shed some light on the potential damage it can cause you and your marriage if left unmanaged.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: How to L.O.V.E. Your Way Through Conflict – Part 3

Today’s episode is part 3 in our 4 part series on How to L.O.V.E. your Way Through Conflict. We’re talking about how devaluing your spouse can be one of the quickest ways to derail a conversation and turn it into conflict. When you learn how to value your spouse it’s much easier to stay engaged and come to a resolution.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Handling Disappointment as a Couple

Have you ever been disappointed as a couple? Is your marriage going how you expected it to go? Have you endured a job loss or a health crisis, or are you dealing with something that you never thought you’d have to? You don’t have to let the disappointments of life derail your marriage.


Join us on the podcast today as we share the truth about married sex and all the reasons to be having it. We’re also including some pretty astounding stats on porn that you need to hear!


Part 2 of Communication Killers and Their Kryptonite Series – Words are powerful, but they’re certainly not everything when it comes to communication. In today’s episode, we want to be sure you know how to get the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to communicating with your spouse.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Communication Dead Ends

Join us for Part 1 of the 3-part “Communication Killers & Their Kryptonite” series as we talk about 3 dead ends to communication. But don’t worry, we won’t leave you hanging, we’ve got the kryptonite to help take away their power and get your communication skills up to speed!

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: 2020 – A Year to Remember

In today’s episode, we’re talking about the importance of remembering—remembering the past year as a couple, remembering the struggles, the fun and most importantly remembering God’s faithfulness through it all.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Gratitude, God, and Science

Are you grateful for your spouse? They don’t always make it easy, do they? But did you know there’s a lot of science behind what gratitude does to your brain and mental health? There are also big impacts it can make on your marriage.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Walking in an Attitude of Gratitude

Today’s show is the first part of a two-part series on Gratefulness. And oh, what a time we live in for living with an attitude of gratitude. If you can pull off walking in gratefulness during this season, you will surely be recognized as someone who is set apart!

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Unexpected Scriptures for Your Marriage

It’s impossible to have a God-centered marriage without scripture being alive and well in your marriage. Believe it or not, there are more Bible verses that can apply to your marriage than just those read at your wedding or often heard from the pulpit.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: The 7-Year Itch. Is it a thing?

Tune in today and find out as we talk about 4 things that might be making that 7-year, or perhaps that 2-year, 10-year, or even 20-year itch a problem in your marriage. Oh, and don’t worry, we will help you know what to do and give you some strategies to keep those nasty itches from popping up in the first place!

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Creating Oneness in Marriage

Unfortunately, it’s quite possible for two people living under the same roof and sharing a life together to feel completely alone. If you long for togetherness and oneness in your marriage, you don’t want to miss this episode, where we share everything you need to create oneness in your marriage.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Building a Strong Marriage

We all want a strong marriage, but that doesn’t mean we know how to build one. On this episode of Building a Strong Marriage, we’re sharing the exact building blocks you’ll need to make sure your marriage has a firm foundation that will be able to withstand any storm.


Join us for this episode, where we’ll discuss the telltale signs that you’ve reached the point where “busy” has become “too busy.” It’s time to stop letting your marriage and family take the hit from a jam-packed calendar.


We’re asking each other a specific question, “What do you think we do that keeps our marriage alive?” Tune in to hear our individual answers, and then keep listening to find out what we both agree are the things that will do the opposite and kill your love.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Technology in Marriage

What gets in the way of connecting with our spouse more than anything nowadays? Technology, mainly our cell phones. They keep us attached to the outside world way more than they help us stay connected to our spouse. Join us today as we chat about the specific ways our phones can wreak havoc in our marriages, and then find out how we can use them for good!

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: What Not to Say to Your Spouse

Have you or your spouse ever gotten into hot water with each other? Chances are it’s because someone said something that they shouldn’t have. We’ve all been there a time or two, but today we want to help prevent you from falling into the same trap again.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Three Expectations in Marriage

Do you expect things from your spouse? Do you ever wonder if you should or not? Well, in this episode, we are talking about 3 common expectations that couples have that might be causing some struggle in their marriages.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: How to Keep the Sparks Alive

Has your sex life or romantic life fizzled? Are you wondering how in the world you can ever keep those sparks alive with all the busyness, work, parenting, or stress? Well, you want to join us on this episode as we give you some practical ways to keep those sparks alive for years to come!

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: How to have a Joy-Filled Marriage

Is your marriage lacking joy? When is the last time you’ve done something fun just because? How long has it been since you’ve chosen joy or even chosen to rejoice in a hard season? If you’re like most couples, it’s probably been a while.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Is My Marriage Over? (Part 2)

Have you ever wondered if any of the problems in your marriage would cause your marriage to end? In this episode, we will be sharing our thoughts, as Christian Counselors, on what others have determined to be signs your marriage is over.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Is My Marriage Over? (Part 1)

Have you ever wondered if any of the problems in your marriage would cause your marriage to end? In this episode, we will be sharing our thoughts, as Christian Counselors, on what others have determined to be signs your marriage is over.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Bad Trades in Marriage

If we offered you a bowl of stew, would you give us your entire inheritance, assuming you were left a whole lot? Of course not! Before you go judging, check out this episode to see if you might be making some bad trades yourself in your marriage.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Sins in Marriage – Does Your Marriage Have Them?

Would you be able to identify the sins that are in your marriage if you were asked what they were? Many people would struggle with this question, and that’s because so many of these sins get brushed off as normal or no big deal, but the truth is, sin is sin, and God wants it out of your marriage and your life.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: The Best Gift You Can Give Your Spouse

If you’ve ever had the difficult thought about what you would do if you ever lost your spouse, you’re not alone. The downside to being in love is sometimes the immense fear that can come with it. Great love and great grief often travel together..

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Things to Share with Your Spouse (Part 2)

Are there things you’re withholding in marriage? Do you feel like your marriage could be more connected or go a little deeper? If so, this episode will help you gain clarity and find encouragement as we continue our conversation on things you should be sharing with one another.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Things to Share with Your Spouse (Part 1)

Is there ever anything you hold back from your spouse? Or do you ever feel they’re holding things back from you? In this episode, we’re sharing with you what we think you should be sharing with one another. Join us for this casual but impactful marriage-changing conversation.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: What Exactly is a Help Mate?

Listen in on this episode to make sure you have the proper definition and that you’re using this amazing influence over your husband for his good, the good of your marriage, and for God’s glory.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: How to Get Your Spouse to Open Up to You

Having a spouse who doesn’t easily share with you can be challenging. It can feel so personal and make you wonder why they don’t want to talk to you or maybe why they don’t trust you enough to share with you. It might surprise you to know that often their lack of sharing has nothing to do with you!

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Sex in the Empty Nest

Do you ever wonder if great sex and intimacy will still be possible once the kids are grown and out of the house? The answer is YES! But maybe you’re finding yourself in the empty nest, and it’s feeling a lot emptier in the bedroom, and you need some hope.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Bad Reasons to Divorce

Are you struggling in your marriage and unsure if it’s time to call it quits or not? While divorce can be biblical and can be protective, it’s not meant for every situation. There are many marriage problems that can be fixed and redeemed, so before you decide to pull the plug on your marriage, give this episode a listen and see if there might be another solution.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Must Have Marriage Habits

It’s very likely that you have a bunch of little habits in your life that are shaping your marriage that you may not even be aware of. Join us on this episode to learn new and intentional habits for your marriage, habits that will help it become the marriage you desire.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Spiritual Leadership

“My husband isn’t a spiritual leader.” “He never prays with me.” “He won’t do a devotion with the kids or me.” Listen in as we talk about personalities, giftedness, growth, and how they all matter when it comes to spiritual leadership.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Growth for the Passive Husband

We’re kicking off a new 5 part spring series called “Ready, Set, Grow”, and today we’re talking about the powerful impact husbands have in the home and why they just might need to grow out of and move away from their passive ways.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: The Best Marriage Advice

In today’s episode, we’re going to be sharing what you all said your best advice was. You’ll get to hear our thoughts and see if you’ve been applying any of this wisdom in your own marriage. Come join us!

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: How to Have the Best New Year as a Couple

Are you ready to have a great New Year? Or maybe you just don’t want a repeat of this past year? However you’re feeling about the year ahead, it’s important to have a focus, especially for your marriage. But there’s no need to be overwhelmed by setting big goals or making big changes. In today’s episode, we’re keeping it really simple and giving you a quick practical plan you can put into effect immediately.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Spring Cleaning Your Marriage

Spring has almost sprung and we don’t know about you, but that makes us want to clean! It’s a season of making all things new, and we want that to include your marriage. Join us on this episode as we help you know what the steps are to spring clean your marriage with the same intention you open your windows and clean your house!

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Marriage Under Stress

Are you feeling STRESSED OUT? Well, if you’re undergoing some extra stress, that means your marriage is too. And today, we’re going to talk about all that stress and shed some light on the potential damage it can cause you and your marriage if left unmanaged.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: How to L.O.V.E. Your Way Through Conflict – Part 3

Today’s episode is part 3 in our 4 part series on How to L.O.V.E. your Way Through Conflict. We’re talking about how devaluing your spouse can be one of the quickest ways to derail a conversation and turn it into conflict. When you learn how to value your spouse it’s much easier to stay engaged and come to a resolution.


Join us on the podcast today as we share the truth about married sex and all the reasons to be having it. We’re also including some pretty astounding stats on porn that you need to hear!