On His Heart

How does one even comprehend that the King of Glory has His eyes fixed upon us?

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Are you wondering what’s on Jesus’ heart this morning?

You are beloved.

You are on His heart.

The word for this is HESED.

It’s a Hebrew word used more than 240 times in the Old Testament.

For example, in Psalm 23:6 hesed is used in the phrase “Surely goodness and hesed shall follow me all the days of my life.”

What does HESED mean?

Hesed means loyal, steadfast, or faithful love based on a promise, agreement, or covenant.

It’s His burning heart for YOU.

It’s His thoughts towards YOU.

It’s His actions towards YOU.

How does one even comprehend that the King of Glory has His eyes fixed upon us?


Constantly pursuing


No boundaries







This is HESED.


The all-consuming passionate love of The King, aching for His bride.

Those are His thoughts towards you.

Come and commune with Him beloved.

It’s not a book of rules.

It’s the greatest love story ever told and you’re in it.

Written on the palm of His hand.


To learn more about Heidi and her Kingdom passion, visit Kingdom Come Home

Featured Image by Alexander Roy from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Heidi is the founder of  Kingdom Come Home a brand infused with love. Love for Jesus, love for people, and a burning passion for His word. We desire our company to assist in reaching all nations with the Gospel. We offer lifestyle options for God's people that align with biblical principles.

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