No, He’s Not the Antichrist

President Trump’s first week in office should be proof enough that he is keeping his word to the American people.

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Given the swirl of some online projections concerning our President and what’s happening on the national front, I would like to offer some perspective…

I do not believe that President Trump has deceived us all and is the long-awaited Antichrist, nor do I believe that he is setting the stage for The Beast to take over the world. I see a number of posts suggesting this and I’d like to offer an alternative reality.

Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. (1 John 2:18)

One doesn’t have to be a prophet to see that our world has already been taken over by a beast. It’s an antichrist spirit that has been at work for generations and seeks to kill us through whatever means are available. Whether it be a mark on the hand, a chip in the forehead, a weaponized virus, a globalist cabal, or something else, we’ve been under constant threat of enemy surveillance, government control, and bioweapons of death – for years. So, what else is new…?

Just consider this – if anyone would have told us ten years ago that we would have gone through what we just did these last four years, I guarantee many would have believed it was The Great Tribulation. Was it? I continue to hear endless interpretations of Bible prophecies that are supposed to come to pass this next year (or next month). But these narratives have been around for decades, and I have yet to see any long-lasting fruit from these ongoing predictions of the hour we are in (and some are still worried about some failed Trump prophecies?) I’m not aiming to attack anyone who has held these views – or even make light of them – but simply asking everyone to take another look.

For those who say that there will be one antichrist that will appear so good that it will “deceive even the elect” (Matt 24:24), guess what – it’s already here! Why do you think there are so many woke churches and leftist preachers who have compromised Scripture and called evil good? Why do you think so many ministers are being exposed for their deception, having fallen prey to another gospel? That which has been promised to “bring us peace” is literally burning us to the ground. Yes, the elect have been deceived.

Certainly, this latest news about Open AI and planting chips in humans is cause for concern and prayer. There’s no question that it is another means for demonic infiltration and takeover. But this doesn’t make Elon Musk the devil in disguise. There’s a difference between being demonically deceptive and spiritually blind. He may be a genius, but he is an agnostic whose worldview revolves around himself and other humans. This is a guy who loves kids but doesn’t care if he sires them with ten different women. He’s spiritually lost and without any moral compass to guide his path. He’s living like many of the other “enlightened” intellectuals of our time who are more humanists than devil worshipers. My point is that I wonder if Elon isn’t more a pawn of the enemy than he is a knowing partner.

And this is why we need to pray, especially for President Trump. I don’t think he is planning to take us to the abyss through these technological advances as some would believe. I think he’s simply fascinated by Elon’s keen intellect, zeal for innovation, and ability to get things done.

Regardless of anyone’s distaste for this man, President Trump’s first week in office should be proof enough that he is keeping his word to the American people and demonstrating what a true leader looks like. No, he’s still not the scripture-quoting, smooth-talking orator that some still hope for, but he’s being a true father to this nation. Maybe a possible conflict with Elon’s ideas will spur this president on in his own spiritual awakening to realize the true demonic powers behind the scenes that are pulling the strings. We must continue to pray for him to be just as zealous for the Lord as he is about innovation and economic recovery.

Again, I share these things as an alternative perspective for both prayer and right discernment. We don’t have to agree on our doctrines of The Last Days, but I would hope we can agree that this new administration desperately needs prayer – for the right reasons. The corrupt politicians and failed leaders we see in the national spotlight are not always globalist spies or agents of the underworld. Some of them are just extremely lost and totally blind to spiritual truth. They need an encounter with the Living God!

Let’s pray that the Great Awakening continues so that God’s light can begin to shine upon all men’s hearts to set them free. Not just from a demonic one-world order, but from a sinful heart that will be eternally lost without God.

Purchase Oracles of Grace: Building a Legacy of Wisdom and Revelation here.

This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Wanda Alger
The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Wanda Alger is a Kingdom Winds Contributor. She is a recognized fivefold prophetic minister with DOVE USA ( and has a passion to equip and empower the saints for the work of ministry! She has produced five books, numerous video, and audio teaching series, and is currently working on her next project which will be addressing personal freedom and deliverance. Stay tuned!