Multiplication Is Overriding Division

You shall recognize WHO I AM in you and it shall take the place of WHAT I can do for you.

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I have been meditating on a few things The LORD has spoken to me over a period of time and I felt to share some of them now.

The LORD continues to tell me this is a moment of time when we will see the fulfillment of many things we have desired and the timing of ‘Placement’.

I said, “Placement, LORD?” and He said, “I AM placing you in your place that I have reserved for the replacement of all that has been stolen by the enemy.

In the last few years, many have found themselves in a desolate place, but I say to you, that day is finished!” says The LORD.

“You shall enter into a time of multiplication. Just as the disciples experienced the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, (Matthew 14:15-17you also shall experience multiplication where there has been lack and where it appears there is not enough.

Many who have felt inadequate, incomplete, and at a disadvantage shall begin to see themselves as I see them for the first time in their lives.

Where you are incomplete in your vision and abilities, I shall bring it to a crescendo where you will embrace your vision in your spirit and no longer live by your feelings or emotional ups and downs.

Healing is coming to damaged emotions and balance is coming to the mind, will, and emotions. When emotions are healed, the willing shall see wholeness and stability take over.

I AM lifting My Chosen Ones out of the familiar and stepping up their spiritual growth process to accomplish and produce fruit for the Kingdom that shall remain.

You will attract and draw toward you what you expect, so take inventory of your expectations.

You will reflect what you desire. Let the desires of your heart be a mirror of the one who lives in your heart.

You will become what you respect and mirror what you admire. Yes, all My Vision for you to rise up in you,” says the Creator.

“My eternal clock is clicking. This is your predestined time.

The spirit of reality shall explode in your heart suddenly.

You shall recognize WHO I AM in you and it shall take the place of WHAT I can do for you.

No more identity crisis. No more ‘gimme, gimme, gimme’.

I AM giving you grace to accept the things of yesterday that cannot be changed.

I AM enabling those who will take hold of my unchanging hand a new depth of trust and HOPE for tomorrow.

Multiplication shall replace Division in this season just as Addition shall swallow up Subtraction as the Miraculous is released from Heaven.”

I always love the quote that I learned from Bob Mumford long ago:

God will fix a fix we cannot fix to bring us to the perfect fix that fixes everything.”

I speak for myself as I say, “I have experienced that many times in my life when The LORD wanted my full attention.”

The LORD continues to assure me that His Bride is entering into a greater time of “UNDERSTANDING” than they ever even imagined.

The eyes of our understanding shall open up new avenues we never even dreamed of.

Yes, the BRIDEGROOM is about to carry us over the threshold of HIS planned new beginning for us and He will put a new song in our hearts as we REJOICE in His Love evermore.

“When it was evening, His disciples came to Him, saying, “This is a deserted place, and the hour is already late. Send the multitudes away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food.” But Jesus said to them, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” And they said to Him, “We have here only five loaves and two fish.”” Matthew 14:15-17.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Heart Matters

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About the Author

As a prophetic voice, intercessor, author, teacher, chaplain and former online pastor with Beyond the Veil Ministries, Sandra Holman has journeyed around the world—first, as an End time Handmaiden under Gwen Shaw and later serving as a missionary with Youth with a Mission in Singapore and NC. This journey brought her full circle to serve as an advisor with Oak Ridge Lighthouse Aglow and intercessor for the TN State Aglow President. It is her joy to share some of those experiences with you