Mountains Will Crumble: The Dismantling of Power

Jesus sweeps his hand across his body and the Spirit moves, the sound of his voice becomes operational, evil will be blown away like dust.

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For two days I’ve heard the word “Avalanche.” The sound of the voice of God is going to cause the seven mountains to crumble into one large rubble that will become a mighty mounting where the Body of Christ will infiltrate empowered by the grace of the Spirit of God.

Spirit-empowered Grace will go out into the marketplace, Spirit-filled business leaders will take over many large corporations. God will send out Spirit-filled believers into the fields of education and science. Not only teachers but administrators in some of the largest school districts in the United States. Entertainment and Politics will be the most affected by this infiltration of the Spirit.

Prophetically anointed people will direct, produce, and write movie scripts, songs, and plays. They will also win political seats in National, State, and Local Government.

This avalanche will have the most effect on the church as a structure. The Spirit of God will take over church government.

There will be much resistance in every institution and the greatest resistance will be from the church itself. But, God’s grace is greater, his mercy endures and he is ready to take on the resistance. There is a move of the Spirit that will usher in the Prophetic and it will be clear and precise. It will reveal the schemes of the enemy and the plans of God.

Much favor will come to institutions that will recognize the move of the Spirit. They will prosper because they will be willing to give God the glory for the successes they experience.

Each of these institutions will not look anything like they look today. The sound of God’s voice is the source of the power that will release the Spirit of God to move. Jesus stands on this mighty mountain, it is a type of Zion where the name of Jesus will be lifted high, the Spirit will move in power and the God Almighty will take down the evil with justice and truth.

The truth of God will expose those who are the resistance of the Spirit having his way. Jesus sweeps his hand across his body and the Spirit moves, the sound of his voice becomes operational, evil will be blown away like dust.

A wonderful hunger is growing in the Body of Christ for the Spirit, for the love of God, and for intimacy with our Lord Jesus Christ. Our assignment is to lay it all down and ask, seek, and knock more of God Almighty.

Jesus calls, “Samuel, Samuel, Samuel.” Our response is, “Speak Lord your servant listens.” The key is in hearing the sound of His Voice which will release the authority of the voice God has given you.

Anytime there is an avalanche, there is collateral damage and destruction; many will be called to remove the old ways and usher in the new structure empowered by the Spirit of God, His Voice, His Word, and His power. An avalanche also creates a great shaking. “Hold on, kneel down, and trust me.”

“All our direction and ministries will flow from Christ and lead us deeper into him, the anointed Head of his body, the church.”

Finally, I heard, “The Mainstream Media will be decimated and smothered, there will be a completely new way for news to be distributed to communicate truth.”



Featured Image by Kira Laktionov on Unsplash
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About the Author

William Cuccia is a Kingdom Winds Contributor who loves to write what he hears when he listens in the quiet moments.

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