Me Time – Better Work Life Balance

We often leave ourselves out of the equation when we plan our busy schedules and don’t put ourselves on our calendars.

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There’s no time for ME! 

Do you feel like you’re out of time and there’s no time for you? You can’t do anything for yourself: get together with friends, work out, sit and read a book, listen to a podcast, or whatever you want to do.


A Better Work-Life Balance 

Often, we leave ourselves out of the equation when we plan our busy schedules and don’t put ourselves on our calendars. Below are three suggestions for making time for essential self-care and creating a better work-life balance.


Modify, Delegate, or Drop to Find Your Me Time 

I soon realized with two active little boys I needed some quiet Me Time to focus on whatever I wanted. Usually, I read, did my nails, finished a Bible study lesson, or took a nap. Whether we work on a job site or virtually, are a stay-at-home mom, or homeschool, planning time for ourselves in our day is essential. 

But to create more joy and satisfaction in our lives, we need to figure out how to take care of ourselves and our needs, too. Key questions to ask ourselves include: 

  • How could we modify the dinner or another task to simplify it? 
  • What could we delegate, maybe to the kids or our husbands? 
  • What might we drop for now to create space in our day for Me Time?


How to Find Me Time 

1. ME TIME—As a stay-at-home mom and then a home-schooling mom, my Me Time was right after lunch. If you’re a working woman, whether virtually on the job site, your time may come during your lunch hour, before dinner when you get home, or maybe after dinner.

2. GROUP ACTIVITY—Another way we can incorporate time for ourselves in our routines is to add a regular exercise or other interest group. It might be a walk in the neighborhood with a friend or going to a class. 

A girlfriend of mine wanted to take a Zumba class to exercise and spend time with others. I like to line dance and keep it on my calendar at least two times a week. I also enjoy a women’s Bible study group.

3. WOMAN-TO-WOMAN TIME—Plan to meet one-on-one with another woman at least once a month or weekly if possible. Find a time to chat with a friend in person, whether over ice cream, coffee, lunch, or whatever you want to do.


So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 

~ 1 Thessalonians 5:11


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Joyce Zook

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The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Joyce Zook is an award-winning author, international speaker, and Board Certified Advanced Christian Life and Marriage Coach. She is a weekly video blogger and the author of 12 Keys for Marriage Success, Priorities for Life, and God and Your Closet. Joyce speaks, teaches, and coaches women to love their lives and their marriages while creating success and balance. In the last twenty years, her ministry has grown with the help of the internet, telephones, and video conferences to reach people across the United States and in foreign countries.

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