Loving God for Himself

Even when I feel most alone, I know I am not!

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My granddaughter Claire asked me one day,

“Babci, Who told you about God?”

My immediate reply,

“My mommy told me about God.”

And she had because God was her life.

“Tell me about God, Babci,” was her response.

And so I have … visit after visit.

And now I think little Claire has fallen in love with God too …at least I pray so. She sings “Jesus Loves Me” (sometimes with me and sometimes alone) with such heart and soul. How could she not love Him?

And how could I not love Him? He loves me. He knows me. He gets me. Even when I feel most alone, I know I am not!

Recently, I went through a period of self-pity (we old people feel that way sometimes, especially as we are losing loved ones, and close friends, through dementia, death, and distance).

These were the thoughts grabbing at my soul. Can you identify?

No one really knows me — the real me.
No one gets me.
No one really understands me.

Then the Holy Spirit of the God I have known and loved all my life reminded me of the truth that is truly true for me:

Whom do I have in heaven but You?
And with You, I desire nothing on earth.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever….
But as for me, the nearness of God is good for me;
I have made the Lord God my refuge,
So that I may tell of all Your works.
Psalm 73:25-26, 28 NASB

Oh Yes! This is true, dear God.
You are all I truly desire on this earth.
Thank you for rescuing me from the dark pit I was heading into.
You are my Life and Your Love is all I truly need. Amen.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on A Branch in the Vine

Featured Image by Manfred Antranias Zimmer from Pixabay

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About the Author

Jan Loyd is a child of God, a disciple of Christ, a Jersey girl, a former nun, a teacher, and now a wife of 48 years, mother of two, grandmother of 5 boys and finally a baby girl...these are just some of the hats she wears or has worn. Her hat as teacher has seemed to be one she’s worn her entire adult life, ranging from teaching elementary school, homeschool, adult ESOL and GED language and writing. But along with all of these opportunities has been her favorite above all the rest: teaching women the Word of God in various ways, Precept Upon Precept and Bible Studies she’s developed by the grace and tutelage of God along the way. The heart of the message that she delights to share is that we are in union with the Living God through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Currently you may find her on her devotional blog “A Branch in the Vine” where she shares several times a week and in her Bible Study/ devotional book The With-ness of our God: Relationship in Every Dimension.

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