Light Just Simply Wins

And I recall the vessel that so comports to darkness — gives it occasion to breathe and occupy.
“The darkness that wins is the one we invited in!”

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The pale shade fades, reveals the light it sought to hide.
Gilded rays flow and stretch, climbing to places disclosed
New territory unfolds for light, pioneering to places revealed
Shadows turn, twist, and lift, and light conquers all darkness.

But there is no strain I’ve seen in all these happenings I’ve seen.
The light just simply wins.

And I wonder why the darkness was even such a foe to fall.
And I recall the vessel that so comports to darkness — gives it occasion to breathe and occupy.
“The darkness that wins is the one we invited in!”

The light wins with no effort, but the one who would hold it seems to constantly fight it:
A restless and beastly nature that snarls at gilded rays.
A corrupted soul that only knows to fight for control.
A dark place in the heart of man that resists its Creator’s power.

I fight this nature, proclaiming Jesus Christ, King of all Kings.
Set me free. Gave me liberty.
Set me apart. Made me Holy.
I stand for Him, diffused in Golden Light, ambassador of His Throne.

I — in Perfect Light and Love — do defy the standard of depravity:
which enthrones darkness upon hollow seats.
which enshrines corruption in fading temples.
which detests the thing the light would love.
which seeks to ascend, while descending below.

The Light I see — by which I see — now turning things more quickly in me!
O, I rejoice to see the day, that Light peels all dark panels away:
A rose in bloom. A rising moon.
A setting sun. A way forward.

But more than all of that, a way upward!
To a greater day than has yet been seen.

Not from dark to light, but from light to bright!
No more wax and wane. No more fight for gain.
No more cycles around and about. No more occasion for lost or found.

Light just simply wins. Time and again. Age unto age.
Eternity rolls on in glorious gilded rays
streaming and filling and diffusing and exalting
everything in its untethered and unlimited path.

Darkness forever dispelled, yes, destroyed.
Light just simply wins!



Featured Image by Casey Horner

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About the Author

Ronnie is an enthusiastic champion of the creative process and of those who love it. His creative passions are spent on all things word-related. He pastors a rural, traditional church and teaches High School Spanish in Laurens, SC.

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