As I snuggle up in a quilt that was handmade by my great-grandmother, I’ve been tracing the lines of the quilt with my eyes and thinking about the woman who took the time to hand stitch each and every piece of fabric together. She put great thought into the color scheme, the measurements, and the design. I wonder how long it took to make. I wonder if she ever dreamed her great-great-grandchildren would use it one day.
I don’t remember her. I think she died before I was born or soon after. I wish I knew more about her. As I sit beneath her beautiful artwork, warmed by all of her hard work, I wonder what she thought about as she sewed the pieces together. Was she filled with joy? Heartbroken? Grateful? Weary? How old was she when she crafted this blanket? Was it made as a gift or for practical use in her home? What had she been through? What had she overcome? What were her greatest joys? What were her greatest regrets?
My eyes well up with tears as I type this because I am reminded of James 4:14b, which says, “You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” My great-grandmother lived her life, and now she’s gone. Oh, how I pray she was a believer in Christ Jesus so I will get to meet her one day.
She left behind this quilt, which is being passed to generations that follow her, but I feel certain there are many other ways she has impacted those of us that came after her. Maybe it’s the way she loved others or the depth of her faith. Maybe it is her recipes or her work ethic. Maybe it’s the gentleness or peace she brought into a room.
Just as those positive things are passed from generation to generation, there could also be negative traits or memories of her that have impacted the next generations. It is an overwhelming thought, really, to know that who we are and how we choose to act affects not only our family and friends but also affects our children’s children’s children.
It’s my prayer that the things I leave behind will be a gift to the generations that come after me. There may be material items that remind them of me, like my grandmother’s quilt, but I’m more concerned with the intangible things I pass on to my children, grandchildren, and so on.
Lord, help me to be a woman of incredible faith so that my life always points to You. May Your love flow through me to the generations that come after me. I pray that I will be an example of bold obedience and proof that You can use anyone who is willing. I ask that my actions and words would pass love, joy, kindness, gentleness, and hope to those who follow me. May I be the one who puts an end to any harmful traits or negative characteristics in my family tree. Father, please use me however You see fit so that my children and their children and their children may be blessed. Amen
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Tori Shaw
Featured Image by Julia_S from Pixabay
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