Kingdom Kids: How to Get Out of a Bad Mood

In stressful and grouchy moments, spending a few minutes giving thanks can help us return to joy.

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We all face bad moods and grumpy days.  Do you want to learn how to get out of a bad mood or push back against grouchiness?  We hope these words are encouraging.  


How to Get Out of a Bad Mood

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever” (Psalm 107:1, NIV).


Mom’s Thoughts on How to Get Out of a Bad Mood:

Do you ever wake up in a horrible mood for no good reason?

A few days ago, dawn’s early morning light pierced the windowpane as birds chirped in the spruce tree outside.  I should have been happy about the sunshine and birdsong, but I was grouchy for no good reason.  I didn’t want to get out of bed and face the day.

“Lord, help change my attitude,” I prayed as I rubbed my tired eyes.

Immediately, I was reminded of a method I’ve been using to pull me from my bad moods.  I imagine I’m somewhere scenic, and I rest in that place for a few minutes.  I give thanks for everything surrounding me and let my soul fill up with joy.  Usually, within a few minutes, it feels like a switch within me has been flipped, and I’m able to return to my day with a more joyful approach.

As I rested in bed, I imagined I was sitting beside the sapphire blue water of a scenic spot we visited on a vacation a few years ago.  A tall waterfall cascaded to the clear water in front of me.  The sound of the flowing water calmed me.  The breeze against my skin refreshed me.  The sight in front of me filled me with peace and awe.

After a few minutes of enjoying the memory, I felt a noticeable shift within me.  I was still a bit tired, but I was ready to get up and greet the day.  God designed our brains so that giving thanks can actually change the way our brains function.  In stressful and grouchy moments, spending a few minutes giving thanks can help us return to joy.  This is huge news!

The next time you feel grumpy, ask God to remind you of a memory from a time when you felt joyful and at peace.  Spend a few minutes soaking in the memory and pretending you are living through it again.  This simple strategy can help you return to joy every time you use it!


Bekah’s Thoughts (Girl to Girl):

We all have bad days.  When I’m having a bad day, I sometimes close my eyes and imagine I’m in a peaceful place in nature.  I let my worries slip away, and I talk to God about everything that’s on my mind.  This always helps me feel better.

We can also stir up joy by reflecting on happy memories and reliving them in our imaginations.  For example, you might remember a moment from a vacation or a memory from a time when you were enjoying your family.  I like to go back to a memory from last summer when I was at a large waterfall with my grandparents.

Revisiting joyful memories can be a great way to kick a bad mood to the curb!


Talk About It:

  • Take a few quiet moments to close your eyes and ask God to lead you to a peaceful place in your imagination today. Mom and Daughter, you should both do this individually.  After a few minutes, talk about where you went and how you felt.  Do you notice any shifts in your mood after this exercise?
  • Another way to help yourself return to joy is to make a list of everything you’re thankful for. Name three things you are thankful for today.


Pray Together:

God, we thank you for designing our brains so that gratitude helps us return to peace and joy.  We ask you to help us become more peaceful, joyful people as we relish the many gifts in our lives.  Amen.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on In Between the Lines

Featured Image by jty11117777 from Pixabay 

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Bekah Pardoe is in sixth grade and enjoys creating artwork, spending time outside, running cross-country, and hanging out with her friends! She is funny, fun-loving, and compassionate. She also enjoys taking care of her pet reptiles as well as our family’s pet beagles.

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