Kingdom Kids: For When You’re Feeling Alone in the World

Whenever you feel alone, just remember that you are never truly alone. 

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Do you ever feel like no one sees you or understands you?  Are you feeling alone in the world?  Surprisingly, most of us can relate.  If you’re feeling this way today, this is for you. 


For When You’re Feeling Alone in the World

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deuteronomy 31:8, NIV).


Mom’s Thoughts on Feeling Alone in the World:

One of our family’s favorite TV shows is called Alone.  Participants are dropped in remote wilderness locations and have to survive alone in the woods for as long as possible.  The person who stays the longest wins a huge cash prize.

Each participant is given basic survival items, camera equipment for filming the adventure, and ten additional survival items.  They have to hunt and gather their own food, and many participants decide to leave the woods when the hunger gets to them.  Others get sick with intestinal parasites or injure themselves.  However, many participants choose to leave for a different reason: They get tired of being all alone.  They miss their families and friends, and they realize that relationships are the most important part of their lives.

The show reminds me that God designed us for relationships.  First, he designed us to live in a relationship with him, and second, he designed us for relationships with each other.  Relationships bring joy and a sense of purpose to our lives.

I’m reminded of God’s design for relationships every time I start to feel lonely.  I grew up in Pennsylvania, but when I was in college, I once spent a summer working in Alaska.  I wanted an adventure, and Alaska seemed like an awesome place to explore.

Alaska was great, but after a couple of months, I started to majorly miss my family.  I realized that no adventure could replace the fulfillment found within loving relationships.  I also realized that I could find comfort in the one relationship that is always ready and waiting for me: my relationship with God.

God wants you to know that he is always waiting for you with open arms.  The next time you feel all alone, ask God to comfort you with his love.  He has promised never to leave you.


Bekah’s Thoughts (Girl to Girl):

There are many ways you can feel connected with God.  First, it’s important to remember that God is always right there with you.  Sometimes, you might feel sad and alone, but you are never alone.  God is always watching over you and caring for you.  Here are a few ways to connect with God when you feel alone:

  • Read a Psalm.
  • Go on a walk and talk to God while you walk.
  • Spend time with a pet. Thank God while you enjoy playing with your pet.
  • Lie in your bed at night and pray to God. Imagine you’re talking to your best friend and tell him all of your troubles, worries, and thoughts! 

Whenever you feel alone, just remember that you are never truly alone.  God is always with you.


Talk About It:

  • What do you usually do when you feel lonely?
  • Which idea from the reading above sounds like an appealing way for you to connect with God the next time you feel all alone?
  • How do you feel when you think about the promise that God will never leave your side? In what situations might this promise help you have more confidence instead of fear?


Pray Together:

Lord God, thank you for your promise to never leave us.  Sometimes, we feel all alone and left out.  Thank you that you love us, care for us, and go with us wherever we go.  Help us rest in your love.  Amen.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on In Between the Lines

Featured Image by Anemone123 from Pixabay 

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Bekah Pardoe is in sixth grade and enjoys creating artwork, spending time outside, running cross-country, and hanging out with her friends! She is funny, fun-loving, and compassionate. She also enjoys taking care of her pet reptiles as well as our family’s pet beagles.

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