Keep Pushing, Keep Pressing, Keep Fighting

God is calling people right now to move forward and advance the Kingdom in a way that they’ve never done before.

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Recently, in a time of prayer, the Lord was speaking to me about this season and the upcoming month of July. I sense in my spirit so strongly that July is going to be a very unique month. I believe it will be a month where the people of God are going to have to keep pushing, pressing, and fighting for the things that God has promised them and assigned for them to do.

The Lord spoke to me earlier in the year about May, June, and July being a time of preparation and pressing in. We are coming into the last stretch of that time. I believe that those who will stay in there with the Lord and keep pushing forward, keep pressing in, and continue to fight, will experience the power of God in an explosive way in August and September.

There is about to be radical breakthrough and deliverance that will push us forward and help us to advance the Kingdom of God in whatever realm of influence or geographical location the Lord has given to us.

It is more important now than ever that you keep moving forward with God in this season and allow the Lord to position and prepare you for what you are about to step into. I believe we are about to be in a season where many may even feel overwhelmed by the pace at which things are just breaking forth.  So if you sense resistance or opposition in July, do not pull back or stop pressing on.

Stay encouraged by the spirit of the Lord and know that we are moving into some powerful times. What many believers do not realize is that when a difficult season or a season of warfare comes, there is a shaking and that is not necessarily a bad thing. God often uses the shaking in order to awaken you to what He is doing. You’ve heard the scripture “shaken down, pressed down, running over.” What that is referring to is the goodness of God in the midst of trial. When you’re shaken the things that need to come out will be removed in order to make room for you to step into the greater that He has for you.

The good news is that in the hard seasons where we are required to keep pushing, pressing, and fighting our faith and walk with God grows the most. Isaiah 40:31 says, “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

It may sometimes seem like we can’t go another day against our struggles but God will grant us renewed strength to keep pushing. He is there for us even in our weakest moments just as long as we are willing to let Him. When we open up our hearts to the Lord he strengthens us and molds our desires to His. Then we can truthfully say “Your kingdom come your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.”

It may not happen the way that you want it to you but you can be sure that it will come about in a way that will glorify Him and work out for our good. So keep pressing, my friends even when you feel weary because you can count on the Lord to renew your strength for the road ahead.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” When you turn your life over to the Lord all of the old is washed away. You are made completely new by the power of God and the blood of Jesus. So don’t ever let your old mindset hold you back. God desires for you to move forward with Him as the new creation He has made you to be. So no matter what may have transpired in your past, keep pushing towards the Lord and the things of God. 

This is a season to say farewell to the past and welcome the new things God wants to do in and through your life. Isaiah 43:18-19 says, “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?”

I want to challenge you to ask yourself, where is your mindset? Are you focusing on the past, the present, or the future? How much time do you spend on the present and on the future God has spoken to you about? Or are you stuck in the past? I’m telling you, my friends, wherever you are focusing your gaze, your time, and your energy that is where you will live. God does not want you stuck in the past or unprepared for your future promises.

In this season, fix your gaze on the Lord. Let go of the past! Allow the Lord to heal you from whatever may be tethering you to what has already happened and begin to focus on what is ahead of you with God. 

I believe we are in an Isaiah 43:19 moment. God is about to do a new thing and it is up to you and I to press in and make sure we are properly positioned to be a part of it. As verse 19 says, many people don’t perceive what God is doing because they are blinded by unbelief, religious thinking, or their own limitations.

Jesus was walking amongst the crowds as they were talking about when the Messiah would come. He was right there, walking amongst them but so many missed Him because they did not have eyes to see or ears to hear what God was doing. My prayer is that we would each have eyes to see and ears to hear in this season. That we would be the ones God can use to advance His Kingdom because we are paying attention to His spirit. 

1 Timothy 6:12 says, “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” Keep fighting! Now is not the time to lay down your authority or the victory Jesus has already given to you, my friends! Fight the good fight of faith and hold onto every promise God has given to you because you are about to see them come to pass.

Keep standing in faith and do not stop. Stay in the Word and faithful in the place of prayer and watch expectantly for all the Lord is about to do. God is calling people right now to move forward and advance the Kingdom in a way that they’ve never done before. This is one of the greatest seasons that the body of Christ has ever known but we have to resolve to keep pushing, keep pressing, and keep fighting if we want to step into and walk in the fullness of it!






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About the Author

Joe Joe is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and a visionary leader who empowers believers to accomplish the call that God has placed inside of them. His heart is to see this nation awakened and for every individual to experience personal revival. God is calling us as believers to a greater depth of intimacy with Him, and Joe's passion is to see that reached.

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