It’s Time to Move Up Front!

It’s time to stop asking, “How long?” and start positioning yourself to go in and take the land!

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In the short 7-minute video below, I share this exhortation from the Lord: Some of you have been sitting in the back seat or standing in the back of the room. There are some spiritual giants with YOUR name on them! It’s time to move up front and get closer to your target!

Pharaoh will not listen to you. Then I will lay my hand on Egypt and bring my hosts, my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great acts of judgment. (Exodus 7:4 ESV)

They were called the “children” of Israel for a reason. They had very little faith for what God was going to do (see Ephesians 4:14-15). The whole purpose of their painful process of deliverance was to prepare them with great faith and boldness to enter the Promised Land. They were supposed to be learning the ways of God just as much as the words of God. Unfortunately, only two of the twelve spies learned their lessons in captivity and were ready to go in and take out the strongmen.

It’s time to stop asking, “How long?” and start positioning yourself to GO IN and TAKE THE LAND! Some of you are called to get engaged at a whole new level. You have been given authority from heaven to act on His Word and demonstrate the Kingdom by getting off the sidelines and into the game. Whether it’s getting involved in the Public Square, attending town hall meetings, running for office, leading small groups, or speaking up among friends and family, it’s time to move to the frontlines. Gird up your loins and get closer to the action so your target is clear and your arrows of prayer and prophetic decrees are spot on. It will take more risks, but as you are obedient to the Lord’s call, the wind of heaven will back you up. There are some seats in the front row that are waiting for YOU!



In the longer video teaching below (45 min), I address some common concerns from those who wonder if prophets should speak into the political realm. Do politics and prophecy mix? Why not just preach the gospel and stay out of the fray? What is it that compels prophetic voices to speak to kings and rulers?

Though I certainly don’t have all the answers, I do have a few ideas:-). We have a biblical framework that clearly demonstrates our call to exercise Kingdom authority in the various realms of our culture. Jesus commissioned us to not only preach the gospel of salvation but the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM. There’s a difference. Do YOU know what it is?


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Wanda Alger

Featured Image by Paul Keiffer from Pixabay



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About the Author

Wanda Alger is a Kingdom Winds Contributor. She is a recognized fivefold prophetic minister with DOVE USA ( and has a passion to equip and empower the saints for the work of ministry! She has produced five books, numerous video, and audio teaching series, and is currently working on her next project which will be addressing personal freedom and deliverance. Stay tuned!

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