It’s Time to Bring Down Heaven to Earth

I felt that God was giving us permission to ask for the peace that resides in heaven to come upon our nation, and upon our households.

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Last night I had a brief, yet profound (and completely unexpected), encounter during a time of worship. Suddenly, I found myself in the third heaven and I was looking out upon the “Crystal Sea” or “Sea of Glass” that is before the throne. I have never seen anything like this before. The sapphire blue was breathtaking and endless; and the sky (horizon) was like fire and reflected His eyes. The stillness upon this sea was far beyond “the lack of a storm or waves”- it was a sovereign stillness and peace that carried great power that saturation the entire atmosphere. It was as if a great “weightiness” was upon the peace— a weighty peace.

As I stood there, looking out upon it, Lord asked me, “Would you like to walk upon it?” He took my hand (though I never saw His face— only heard His voice and felt His hand take mine) and He walked me out a short distance upon this crystal sea of glass. I don’t know how to describe what I saw but over this immense sea the sky had what I can only describe as both the sunrise and sunset happening simultaneously. Actually all of the colors from the beginning to end of morning and evening somehow were intermingled and the sea and sky reflected it all. I knew that His face was the source of these colors and that all of heaven reflected His image, His power, and His beauty. The weight of peace and rest on this sea and in this place was an experience I will never forget. It was the most powerful stillness I’ve ever encountered and yet it was such a brief moment that I was there.

I wanted to share this with you because of what happened next. As I was taking in this peace and beauty the Lord said to me, “Did you know that you can bring this peace from heaven down to earth?”

After He spoke those words, I was immediately back in the room in Washington DC where we were worshiping and praying. I knew that we had the authority to take this weighty peace and see it come into the earthly realm.

We have received many warnings that when President Trump announces the Supreme Court nominee that it will be like a civil war in our streets and nation. But as many of us have prayed, we’ve felt peace that makes no sense in the midst of warnings. I felt that God was giving us permission to ask for the peace that resides in heaven (coming from His throne) to come upon Washington DC, upon our nation, and upon our households. It is like a blanket of peace that comes down to intercept the plans of the enemy.

It reminded me of how people with anxiety disorders will use a “weighted blanket” to calm them. This was like a heavenly weighted blanket that would bring peace and rest to the anxieties and fears that produce anger and violence. It holds supernatural peace and rest that calms the chaos.

From this encounter, I feel that we can all begin to bring heaven to earth for the sake of our nations, for our households, for our individual lives. All sin that has been brought in repentance to Jesus, is cleansed by His blood and put under the “sea of forgetfulness.” Where there is absence of sin there is manifest peace and order. The Lord has put our sin into the sea of forgetfulness and given us this “sea of glass” (peace, rest, and stillness) in its place.

A remnant of His people have been repenting on behalf of the United States and bringing our sins before the throne of God to be washed by the blood of Jesus. Our sins are being thrown into the sea of forgetfulness and a “sea of glass”— His peace and presence is being offered in its place.

I don’t know how this will manifest on earth— possibly it will bring a distinction by resting on His Ecclesia (making us a refuge) or maybe it will stop the chaos and violence that the enemy is stirring up in our streets and cities? I only know that Jesus said, “You can bring this down to earth.”

I don’t want to interpret the full meaning but I do want to bring the experience to you so that you can enter in and add your faith to it. You can declare and ascend by the power of the Spirit in order to bring back this sovereign and weighty peace.

On earth, as it is in Heaven!




This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Inscribe Ministries

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About the Author

Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton understand our culture’s need for encouragement and hope. Through writing and speaking, they escort individuals into awareness of God’s profound compassion and mercy that heals brokenness, and they have a unique ability to help anyone seeking pathways into His kind embrace. For several years, the couple led a house of prayer located in Kelowna, British Columbia.

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