It’s Time For Your “Vats To Overflow!”

The promises of God are above the bad reports of the earth below.

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Did you know that as believers we are not under the control of the chaos, confusion, and circumstances of the world around us? The promises of God are above the bad reports of the earth below.

Today I was praying through the second and third chapters of the Book of Proverbs and I was so taken by the amazing wisdom that produces the promises of God to be made manifest in our lives as we “listen and obey.”

Here are just a few of them:

• If you cry out for insight and understanding, God will give you wisdom, knowledge and understanding. (2:1-4)

• As you receive wisdom, knowledge and understanding you will gain success! (2:6)

• As you live in integrity God will guard and protect your path. (2:7-9)

• As you walk in the wisdom of God you will be rescued from darkness. (2:9-20)

• As you live an upright life you will “inhabit the land and remain in it.” The wicked will be cut off and uprooted from it. (2:21-22)

• As you keep God’s commands He will give you many days, a full life and well-being. (3:1-2)

• As you hold fast to loyalty and faithfulness you will find favor WITH GOD AND MAN! (3:3-4)

• As you trust in the Lord and acknowledge His ways (not depending on your own understanding) He will guide you on the RIGHT paths. (3:5-6)

• As you fear the Lord and turn away from evil, healing will come to your body and strength to your bones. (3:7-8)

And, one last promise! This is a key one…

• As you honor the Lord with your processions and the first fruits of your increase He promises that YOUR BARNS WILL BE COMPLETELY FILLED AND YOUR VATS WILL OVERFLOW WITH NEW WINE!! (3:10)

There are so many more promises that a lifestyle of wisdom and obedience ushers in. This is part of the amazing alignments that have been taking place. To live apart from obedience that comes from His wisdom is like trying to take a drink from a water fountain and turning it on but not aligning your mouth with the stream of water. The lack of alignment causes the flowing water to pour down the drain; never quenching your thirst.

We must open our spiritual mouths and then align our lives with the flowing wisdom that fills our lives to overflowing! Then our barns will be filled completely and the “vats” of our lives will overflow (a vat is a large tank that holds liquid). It’s time to hold the liquid of the new wine of His glory and His promises!

While the world eats of the “grapes of wrath” let us, as God’s people, be filled with the new wine that is grown in the vineyards of wisdom and oneness.

It’s time to align to drink the new wine!


Featured Images by Kerem Karaarslan

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About the Author

Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton understand our culture’s need for encouragement and hope. Through writing and speaking, they escort individuals into awareness of God’s profound compassion and mercy that heals brokenness, and they have a unique ability to help anyone seeking pathways into His kind embrace. For several years, the couple led a house of prayer located in Kelowna, British Columbia.

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