It’s a Set Up

When trapped between the sea and an enemy, don’t be intimidated. God will hatch a plan.

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We’ve all heard that God works in mysterious ways. Well, those who say it aren’t wrong. When Elisha wanted to retrieve an ax head from the bottom of a lake, his instruction was to throw a piece of wood in the water where the ax head sunk. This action caused it to float. When Gideon needed an army, the instruction was to use torches and pots as weapons. They won. When Israel needed water, God told Moses to throw a tree in the bitter water, and it would be made sweet. Water problem solved.

But God’s setups are twofold. They wrought you the victory, and at the same time, they bring a fear of God to those who witness it. The awe of God can be terrifying for both the one who needs to follow His instructions and the one to whom those actions are for.

Genesis 14 tells of the Exodus of Israel from Egypt. They are now three days into the desert, and God hatches a plan. He tells them to circle back to the sea because Pharaoh will think they’re lost and chase after them. I’m sure Moses thought, “that’s a horrible plan.” But God reassures him by telling him in verse 4, “And once again I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will chase after you. I have planned this in order to display my glory through Pharaoh and his whole army. After this, the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord!” So the Israelites camped there as they were told.

I know we’d probably rather God just help us make the great escape out of our troubles, but you’re more important than that. God has marked you as His. You have great purpose and opportunity to let God get glory from your life. He wants to give you bodacious miracles that show you how much He loves you but and at the same time, show how mighty He is to everyone around you. He wants to win them too.

When trapped between the sea and an enemy, don’t be intimidated. God will hatch a plan. Maybe even a mysterious plan. But it will lead you through safely on dry ground while swallowing up your enemies. You’re just the decoy. It’s all a setup. Don’t let fear stop you from obedience. Remember, He planned it this way. He’s got this, and He’s got you.



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Jaime Luce

Featured Image by Lars_Nissen from Pixabay



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About the Author

Jaime Luce is a sought-after author, speaker, blogger, podcaster, and monthly Charisma Magazine contributor. Over the past two decades, Jaime has served as a leadership and development pastor, teacher, and blogger. She is a team-building and personal growth specialist. Her goal in every mode of ministry has been to empower others to discover the truth of who they are, while also equipping them to tap into God’s abundant blessings.

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