Because of the pandemic, the prophetic movement woke up to its true calling after years of living in a bubble. The pandemic was sobering, and the leftist takeover of America was a rude awakening. But the good thing was that prophets began to actually be prophets—speaking truth to power; calling the church to repent, and confronting the evil government in a unified resistance.
Leaders of churches rightfully sued the government for banning worship services. Intercessors and seers rightfully instructed the church that their political neutrality and political ignorance led to the stealing of an election and the ongoing dismantling of our freedoms.
We began to understand how to contact our congressmen and how to expose the stream of lies from the media. We started praying and obeying. We did not just sing, “There’s an army rising up,” we became that army.
Most of all, the prophetic movement began to realize that they were raised up for this very moment—not to use prophecy as entertainment but as a weapon to expose devils, tear down strongholds and rebuke the politicians, professors, and celebrities who were plunging America into immorality.
In the bubble of the good times, the prophetic movement got away with indulgences. Too many “words from the Lord” were simple flattery. Teachers relating stories that were nothing short of out-of-Bible experiences. A virtual reality dominated our terminology and our conferences. Artificial weapons and tactics replaced Biblical doctrine. We saw the prophetic beginning to fire blanks.
Now, that the nation is starting to reopen, the prophetic movement is being tempted back into those powerless old ways. In fact, I believe that religious spirits are preying on our nostalgic yearning for the good old day—days that we now know were a fantasy.
Voices are dusting off the old, tired platitude that we should not be involved in politics. We are starting to hear the worn-out message of how entitled we are to God’s protection. Just when we were finally ready to do the right thing, the enemy is trying to intimidate us, and lure us off the frontline.
But if we relapse, the movement will become worse than ever. Because this time we will indulge in compromise and imbalance with our eyes wide open, fully conscious of our mistake.
It is not by accident that the enemy is doing this now. Because today wokeness reached critical mass. When Major League Baseball, Coca-Cola, and American Airlines asserted that requiring identification to vote is racist, removed any excuse for neutrality. They have fully declared war on this nation, you, your children, your church, and your God.
As Andrew McCarthy so efficiently put it: “The Left ruins everything. Sports, entertainment, toys, snack cakes, you name it. Their wokeness is a cancer, and it’s taking every enjoyable, unifying, non-political piece of American life and destroying it. In Georgia, their crusade against the state’s election law is built on a house of lies.”
We must fight off the religious spirit that wants to believe the storm has passed when the real storm has just arrived.
What does God want? I am convinced that we are to engage our time and energy on two imperatives:
- Political and moral action: To organize and educate ourselves on how to terrify national Democrat leaders, how to win local elections, and train our people to know why they believe what they believe, and why they believe it. This means that the pulpit must take on abortion, gay marriage, transgender indoctrination of our children, and yes, racism—the racism of the Left that is turning minorities into victims.
- Win souls with signs and wonders: Our California crusades have already proven that millions want Jesus. God has also demonstrated that He will heal the sick and give us notable miracles. Converting Americans is the surest way to transform the moral and political darkness in America.
This is our greatest hour. This movement can become the lightning America needs right now. We must not become weary in well-doing. Let us not fumble the ball at the one-yard line!
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Mario Murillo Ministries
Featured Image by Nomad369 from Pixabay
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