I’m Only One Person

No one – at times –  doesn’t feel taken for granted.

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Sometimes when I’m really overwhelmed at home, I tell my family, “I’m only one person!”  Those words can be used in so many situations in life.

When the school wants me to come up with a costume for a special party, and I need to prepare for that Bible Study meeting, while getting my daughter some much-needed personal items at the store, and coming up with something for dinner, while giving my husband some needed one-on-one time, and not forgetting to submit that article that has a deadline, but never neglecting friends and family who I’m long overdue in speaking to, and diligently giving myself over to some quiet time with God, and……

….and more.

There is always more.

There is always something someone needs from me.

Usually, I’m very happy to give it. But then I discover, at times, that the “someone” is always happy to take it.

And I’m left feeling empty – needing refueling. Refilling.

There are people in your life right now, who freely and lovingly give to you. They don’t do it for recognition. They do it out of joy. Love. Servitude. However, they do it, they still have families. Commitments. Responsiblities. Dreams.

It is so easy for us to take from those who are willing to give to us. It’s a blessing to have people like that in our lives. Yet, we tend to forget their needs. Their wishes. Their time. Their strength.

No one has endless strength. No one has an endless supply of joy. No one gets enough rest every day. And no one – at times –  doesn’t feel taken for granted.

I don’t know who God has placed in your life that has given to you. Maybe it’s your hairdresser, your Pastor’s wife, your babysitter, or that person online who always leaves an encouraging word on your blog.

I’m not talking about the obvious person. But the not-so-obvious person.  The parent who is faithfully helping you out in class. The friend’s mom who endlessly takes your child to and from social events without complaint. The mentor at church who always stops to hug you.

Whoever it is, whenever it is – they are God’s gift to you. Pray for them. Appreciate them. Give back to them once in a while.

For if they grow discouraged enough, they might think about quitting. They might give up on encouraging.  And that would be a tragedy.

They are only one person.

One person we need.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Beauty in the Storm

Featured Image by Pexels from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Freelance writer/blogger at beautyinthestorm.com. Dionna is Director of Communications for National Marriage Week, and the Marriage Initiative. She is a proud wife, mom, grandma, and most of all - child of God.

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