How Praising God Will Change Your Life

As we praise God, fear falls away, chaos is calmed, confusion clears, and joy replaces sadness.

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If there’s one thing I know it’s that praising God intentionally changes lives. I’ve seen it in my own life and in the lives of countless others. When I became intentional about praising God every day, my life changed. Fear was replaced with courage, doubt with faith, and drudgery was replaced with joy. God’s presence became my delight!

When Paul and Silas were in prison, they began praying, praising God, and singing. As the other prisoners were listening, a violent earthquake shook the foundations of the prison and the prison doors flew open (Acts 16:25-31). The prison guard was afraid that all the prisoners had escaped, and he was about to commit suicide. Paul reassured him and ended up leading him to Christ. What a wonderful story! But beyond being a wonderful story, the event in prison shows us the extraordinary power of praise.

Here’s the thing, you can’t genuinely praise God and not be changed!

As we praise God, fear falls away, chaos is calmed, confusion clears, and joy replaces sadness.

The challenge for you and me is to become intentional about praise. How do we do this? Here’s my suggestion: start by setting aside time each day to simply praise and worship. You can use music or simply spend time reflecting on the character of God. One way to do this is to use some of the names of Jesus and praise Him for each one. Here’s what I know: learning to praise God will change your life! Absolutely guaranteed!


To get you started, here are 5 names of Jesus you can use in your time of praise this week:

Alpha and Omega. As the Alpha and Omega, Jesus holds eternity in His Almighty hands. We can trust His timing in all things because He sees the beginning and the end. Praise Him as you wait, and watch how the Holy Spirit calms your angst.

Bread of Life. As the Bread of Life, Jesus completely satisfies. He is able to meet your every need: physical, emotional, and spiritual. Those who receive Him as their Bread of Life, realize He is all they really need. Praise Him for being your Bread of Life and watch how your trust in His provision grows.

The Light of the World. In our very dark world, Jesus is still the Light. He illuminates the path before you and turns your darkness into light. Praise Him today for being the Light of the World and watch how dark thoughts diminish.

The Good Shepherd. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus cares for you tenderly. He continually pursues you and is with you in the dark valleys of life. Praise Him for being your Good Shepherd, and experience His calm in every situation.

Wonderful Counselor. As the Wonderful Counselor, Jesus bends down to listen and provides wisdom when we have none. Do you need wisdom today? Praise Jesus for being the Wonderful Counselor! As you praise Him, He will provide the wisdom you are seeking. You can trust Him!

Friends, thousands have discovered that praising God changes their lives. Are you ready to give it a try? Start by praising Jesus for His names. Be intentional and watch and see what happens.


Purchase Becky’s latest book Tethered Trust: Your Connection to a Name Like No Other (Girlfriend Gathering) here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Becky Harling
Featured Image by Nico Smit on Unsplash

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About the Author

Becky Harling is an author, speaker, mentor, and lover of Jesus Christ. She inspires and gives women the tools to awaken hope so that they become more resilient in the face of life’s hurts, confident in the face of life’s challenges, and joyful in any life circumstance.

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