High Expectations

Begin to prepare for God to bring the answers and fulfillment of the things you are praying for Him to do.

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Ever since I started walking with the Lord I have been a person of great faith. I’m a person who dreams big with God and believes for the impossible. However, the longer I walk with God and the more He reveals His prophetic purpose for me and my family and our ministry, just when I think we can’t pray or dream any bigger the Lord raises my expectations. I believe in this season, God is looking for those who will raise their expectations to believe for the impossible. This is the season for high expectations. 

Whenever you build your life upon the prophetic flow that God has for you, you will live the life that God has always planned and dreamed for you. The time for sitting idly by and waiting for everything God had promised to you to fall in your lap is gone, my friends. We must be people of great faith and great action in this season.

We must keep moving forward into everything God has called us to do. You see, the more you spend time with God the more you’ll know and understand the Father’s heart for you. Then you can start to live your life according to His plans and purposes. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

God has thoughts and plans for you that are so full of His goodness and His peace and it is time for you to step into them. Find out what those beautiful plans are. Spend time with Him and allow Him to reveal the hope and future He has planned for you and then begin to walk in it. No matter what you face in life whether it is spiritual opposition or setbacks or disappointments, you can hang on to the truth of this scripture. God’s plans for you are good and it is your portion to walk in them! So have high expectations for what the Lord wants to do in and through your life no matter what may be going on in the natural. 

I want to encourage you today, get ready for God to raise your expectations. Allow the Lord to reawaken the dreamer and the childlike faith inside of you that you may have forgotten. Begin to prepare for God to bring the answers and fulfillment of the things you are praying for Him to do. High expectations are your portion as a child of God.

Jesus has given us His power and authority and we should expect miracles, blessings, and favor to explode and overflow in and out of our lives. I believe that when I pray for people they will be healed. Not because I’m the one praying for them but because that is what the Bible says. Over and over again in the gospels, it says that Jesus healed them all. So if I’m in a service and 20 people come up for prayer for healing, I believe all 20 people will be healed. Do we each walk in that kind of faith every day?

I have high expectations for every day. I’m believing to see miracles everywhere that I go. It could be at the grocery store, a restaurant, a gas station, one of my kids’ school functions, or wherever it may be. I have expectations to release the power and love of God in any situation where God wants to show up. I hope that you will begin to walk in that kind of faith today as well.

Proverbs 10:28 says, “The hope of the righteous will be gladness but the expectation of the wicked will perish.” One of the distinctions this scripture is making between the righteous and the wicked is that the righteous will get gladness. They will get peace and joy while the wicked perish.

I’m telling you when your mind is fixed on the things of God and your expectations are fixed on the word of God then everything changes. So what are you believing for? What are you hoping for? And do you really believe that you can step into all that God has for you? This is the season. We are about to see the church’s finest hour and I’m super encouraged. Let’s have high expectations and be so full of the Lord in this season so that we can see some mighty things happen!

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Joe Joe is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and a visionary leader who empowers believers to accomplish the call that God has placed inside of them. His heart is to see this nation awakened and for every individual to experience personal revival. God is calling us as believers to a greater depth of intimacy with Him, and Joe's passion is to see that reached.

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