Would you be thrilled or filled with sorrow
if you knew that Jesus was returning tomorrow?
Would you be joyfully singing “Oh, Happy Day”
or be on your face begging for mercy and grace?
Would you be rethinking your views on Christianity?
Would you relinquish all and fall on trembling knees?
Would you be ashamed because life was all about you?
Would you regret not spending time with God in solitude?
If today was your last day on earth, what would you do?
Would you go out for one more fix, last fling, or rendezvous?
Would you shout from the rooftops that Jesus is on His way?
Would you come out of the closet and finally share your faith?
Jesus cautions us to be on guard and to stay alert
He has given us guidelines—He has given us His Word
The Bible contains all the wisdom that we will ever need
It’s alive; it’s full of treasure and it speaks to those who read
It’s written that the sun and the moon will no longer shine
That the stars will be released and fall from the sky
Darkness bows in silence awaiting the arrival of Jesus Christ
The Light of the World returns on clouds of snowy white
It may not be tomorrow, but it’s a fact He’s coming back
The folded cloth left in His tomb meant exactly that
The Master will return—The King is very near
Are you ready for the day when Jesus Christ appears?
“At that time … the sun will be darkened, the moon will give no light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then everyone will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds with great power and glory.”
Mark 13:24-26
This is an excerpt from Echoes of His Heart
Featured Image by Pixabay
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