Someone has wrapped a noose around the neck of free speech and every other right we hold dear. TRUTH is being choked to death in America. Tech giants wield crushing control over people’s opinions. I have never seen them as anything but greedy and power-hungry.
And yet, I feel a calm sense of hope amid their tyranny.
The elements of the media, key intellectuals, and some mainstream institutions that have been trusted and objective in the past are strangely quiet during the censorship, the silencing, and even the cancel-culture obliteration of many American lives.
And still, I feel a great hope, even in this situation.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, along with the Democrat Party have declared war on the 80 million Americans who voted for Trump. They will not work with any Republicans. They will not stop until they have destroyed everything good and decent about America.
And again, I am convinced God will expose and even exploit their evil.
2021 has been a year full of evil forced on the American people. Beginning with an election they forced on us–then a lockdown–and perversion of our education, and finally, a total abandonment of Israel.
Yes, what is happening to America is evil. Preplanned and premeditated evil. We are watching something that was hatched decades ago and is finally upon us. So why do I feel hope in a seemingly hopeless situation?
I feel hope because I know it is evil. I feel hope because I know what God has done about evil in our history.
Genesis 50:20 explains what I mean: “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.” Those words were spoken by Joseph to his brothers who had sold him into slavery. That vicious act was exploited by God to promote Joseph into a position of royalty in Egypt, in order to save a nation from famine.
It is time for you to settle your spirit behind a historical fact. God has always dealt with evil in America, even when we did not deserve it. It is not by accident that ‘wokesters’ have tried to bury our history. It is there that we find the irrevocable evidence of God’s intervention in America. It is not simply the people of America that God loves, it is the idea of America. In order for that idea to be destroyed, you would first have to get past our omniscient and loving God.
Many believers are throwing in the towel too early. We could very easily see a miracle in a few days. That miracle would cause unprecedented nationwide convulsions. Or it could take longer. But one way or another, surely and eventually, the evil will be exposed and it will be punished.
God may do it by changing the tide of public opinion. Another way is by exposing the evil acts and those who have committed the evil. One thing has already begun: because Fake News outlets such as CNN have openly called for the shutting down of any news outlets that do not spout Democrat Party propaganda, such as One America News Network and Newsmax, Christian conservatives have been forced to build their own mass media—something they should have done long ago.

Another way may be the sudden groundswell of hunger for righteousness, which I see sparking mass conversions. The tide of revival is only just now beginning to crash upon our shores.
What the minions of Satan mean for evil, God will exploit for good, in order to save many. You can either let the images of blasphemy and arrogance drain your spirit or you can take your stand, lift up your head and anticipate the inevitable intervention of the Holy Lord of the Armies of Heaven!
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Mario Murillo Ministries
Featured Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
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