I had an encounter with the Lord recently as several of us from our church spent some time praying in our sanctuary. As we began to wait on the Lord, His presence became heavy. I sensed the angelic host circling and ministering in the room. I watched them lift their hands in worship and could sense their pure joy in giving adoration to the One on the throne.
As I watched, I heard someone praying in the spirit. It was a heavenly language pouring out from a yearning heart as if trying to pull something down from above. I was drawn deeper into worship and began to feel this hunger to behold the beauty of the One who alone is worthy. As I embraced this call to worship in the beauty of His holiness, I was overwhelmed by it. I was then taken to Psalm 27:4.
One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in His temple.
Psalm 27:4 ESV
I knew the angelic host was inviting us into this place of habitation and beholding His beauty. But even as I sought to behold what they might be seeing, I realized I could not see it, but I could feel it. Somehow, I could feel the overpowering beauty of the Lord, like a rushing river flowing throughout my entire being.
There was an increase of joy as I took in the wonder and awe of the Creator. I knew that the beauty He possessed could not be limited to sight alone. It must be taken in by all the senses. We do not have to see with our eyes when He possesses us to the fullest. The wonder and awe of His majesty can be felt, touched, and heard. Even the aroma of His presence is accessible to those who inquire in His Temple.
As we continued to worship the Lord in all His beauty, I then saw the angels that had gathered begin to encircle the sanctuary. There was a seriousness in what they were doing. I knew that this Presence we were being drawn into was actually preparing us for something far greater. Our hearts were being tuned and aligned with Heaven’s perfect and powerful will for what was to come. I somehow knew that the fear of the Lord was going to be a byproduct of this preparation in His Presence.
I saw the hosts of heaven continue to stretch out their arms in an ever-widening circle, enveloping this habitation of the Lord’s presence. I knew they were clearing the way and making room. It was then I saw it.
In the middle of the sanctuary where space had been created, I saw the foot of the Lord come down. It was massive in size and shook the ground as He entered. Though I could only see His foot, the weight of the King’s presence was tangible. I then heard, “HERE IS WHERE HE’LL TAKE A STAND.”
I knew that our worship had been preparation for this. In beholding the beauty of His holiness, room had been created for the King of Glory to enter. I was reminded of the scripture verse of Jeremiah 6:16 that our church, Crossroads, was founded upon: “This is what the LORD says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.’”
I then heard the Lord say,
I knew it was a statement of fact, but also a challenge. As we were creating a habitation of His presence, He came to “put His foot down.” He had found a place to take a righteous stand and was inviting us to join Him. He was inviting us to look from the higher realms where He resides to see things as He does. He was coming to dwell, but also to execute His decisions.
And He said to me, “Son of man, this is the place of My throne and the place of the soles of My feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the people of Israel forever. And the house of Israel shall no more defile My holy name, neither they, nor their kings, by their whoring and by the dead bodies of their kings at their high places.”
Ezekiel 43:7
I felt this invitation was not only to create a place where the Lord’s presence can dwell but to create a place from which we can stand with Him – unto righteousness. His habitation with us is not just unto deep worship or personal encounters, but a place from which righteousness and holiness can go forth. It is in true Houses of Prayer where His holiness is revered and worshiped, that His majesty comes with heaven’s weight. It is in this place of Kingdom dominion that His people can be conduits of His truth, His justice, and His righteous decrees. It is through His people – in His House – that true justice can be served.
I don’t believe this word is just for Crossroads Community Church. The American Church is at a crossroads. The Lord is looking for Houses in which He can make a stand.
The word “footstool” is not just a piece of furniture on which the Lord can place His feet (Isaiah 66:1). It actually means “to pace, to walk” and “to stamp upon.” It signifies His determination to take action on what He has said. He doesn’t merely want to come to the earth realm to sit and rest. He wants to come in order to walk with us, take dominion with us, and exercise Kingdom authority with us. He will bring His justice through those Houses that have prepared the way for heaven’s rule and reign.
Jesus told us that His Father’s House is a house of prayer. That doesn’t mean just having non-stop prayer meetings or teaching on intercession. It means a fellowship that values and nurtures God’s presence more than presentation or performance. It means a fellowship of God’s people who have made it their first desire to seek His face and dwell with His Spirit. They are willing to take the time to stop and behold His beauty. It is when we truly experience His beauty that awe and wonder begin to manifest and open the door to His glory.
As many have been interceding for the deliverance of nations, the Lord Himself is coming to PUT HIS FOOT DOWN. He has heard the prayers of the faithful and the cups are just about full. In those Houses that have prepared the way, He is coming with the weight of heaven and the fear of the Lord to exercise the authority of His throne. Make room for Him to come and SEE what He will do.
Featured Image by Paco Silva from Pixaba

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