Glory Foundation

You are approved to proceed! It’s time to move FORWARD with the things long waited for.

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While praying about the coming year and what God wanted me to release at the Australian Prophetic Summit, I saw a vision of a big old-time building plan being rolled open. I noticed that it was dusty, and the drawings were all in blue. Once the plan was fully rolled out, I saw a closed hand coming from above to strike the plan. As the hand lifted, I saw in big bold red capital letters “APPROVED.

I asked the Lord what this means. He said: “It’s APPROVED! You are approved to proceed! It’s time to move FORWARD with the things long waited for. FORWARD with things that have been on HOLD, SHELVED, DELAYED, and DEFERRED. Suddenly, like a bang, they will go from a dream… to something happening. It will come with rapid acceleration. What used to take years will in this era be done in months and days. Like with Nehemiah there will be a supernatural accelerated building process.

Your approval to rise, step out and build has come. It’s a time to press forward with the blueprint I have deposited in your heart and build!  The procrastination, fear, excuses, and idol worship that kept you in the wilderness for much too long must go. The DOOR is open… the WAY is clear… the PROMISE is secure… the invitation to enter in has been sent! WILL YOU COME IN?

Remove your wilderness mentality, your victim talk, and your fleshly ways… WAKE UP, consecrate yourselves, dedicate yourselves, and shake off your pains, regrets, disappointments, and frustrations. The sit-and-wait is over. The rise and go has come. The fear that has held you captive and stationary is defeated. You have everything you will need… more than enough to complete it. It’s time to move…

  • FORWARD with blueprints and plans
  • FORWARD with prophetic projects
  • FORWARD with long-awaited dreams
  • FORWARD with long-delayed calls and ministries
  • FORWARD with planting new churches

This will be a year of FORWARD… not just as in aimless strolling, or even taking territory, but…in ESTABLISHING, BUILDING, and INHABITING!”

You must hear this… God intends to finish anything He starts!

I see Him activating an apostolic priority right now that will make a way not just for you, but for nations to enter the realms of His kingdom through the plan God has approved for you.

Before that… judgment must begin with the house of God. [1 Peter 4:17] This PATH is narrow and this process confronting, but the end of it will be glorious! We are entering a time when we will only be able to build what God wants on a foundation strong enough to bear the weight of His full glory. Anything less than this will not survive the coming of the fullness of God. A weak foundation cannot bear the FULL ‘KABOD’ weight of the glory of God!

Many have asked where is revival, but God is saying: ‘It has already started, but where is the church ready to bear the weight of what they ask for? Will My people have the capacity to bear the weight of My commands? Arise, shine, leave your bed, wipe your eyes, wash your body, and get dressed… the time has come to build on My strong foundation. I will shake ALL things before the overflow of My glory comes! Unless a glory foundation is prepared that which is meant to bless will end up crushing. This is why I will refine until every impurity is removed, and My right and proper worship is restored.


Flawed foundations cannot bear the weight of the glory I want to release. Know this… I love My church and will strengthen and make her ready for the weight of My glory. She will be beautiful, united, and strong. My true worshipping church will thrive. Understand it was Me that brought her this far, it is Me who invited her in, it was Me who opened the door and it will be Me who will build what I promised her. So… Check your foundation. If it’s cracked… yield to Me and let Me restore it!

The revival we’ve been asking for, praying for, and believing for is coming, but it will only rest on a ready foundation… a GLORY FOUNDATION! The modern church has drifted from its original design and purpose. We added alterations and extensions not on God’s plan. We’ve made room for atmosphere, but not presence. We’ve built on a carnal foundation that is more focused on the will, availability, and comforts of men than the worship of God.

For a few years now we’ve seen God cleaning His house, purifying worship, weeding out false prophets, testing people’s faithfulness, and exposing compromised leaders. God has offended and exposed the pride in our midst. With His manifest presence becoming more and more regular in His house the command for every demon to vacate the holy place has become evident! This is why we are seeing so much deliverance right now and so many demonic things exposed. God has been separating the wheat from the chaff before He releases a fresh move of His Spirit on the earth. We’ve been in a PRE-revival cleansing process meant to reinforce our foundation with loyalty, love, holiness, and faith.

Right now… we are in a pre-revival bump in! The man-imposed fire ban on the Holy Spirt has been lifted by God Himself. Our place now is to make ready the HOLY ALTARS for the receiving of the Lord.

God declares, “My fire has been quenched, suppressed, and blocked in My house for long enough. Idolatry, sin, pride, impurity, and filth has kept My church from her revival destiny for too long.  I am coming with fresh fire… to clear the way for you to rise up, press forward, and build! My fire will burn away the junk and bring everything right back to foundations. As you move forward in this time… Expect there to be an overflow of grace for ground-breaking, creative building, and establishing. Strike your arrows on the ground as many times as you can…

hard ground will break before you;

harvesters will overtake sowers and

victories will be normal.”

Arise… your approval to proceed has come!

Get up and go!

God says… you must move… FORWARD!


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on NicoSmit

Featured Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Nico Smit is Lead Pastor at RiverCity Churches (Australia), Chairman at Gateway Life Solutions, Director at OCI Foundation, and a respected prophetic voice in the Christian community. National elder with ACTS Global churches in Australia and a council member on the Australian Prophetic Council. He holds a clinical counsellor's registration and is a current member on the Australian Register of Counsellors and Psychotherapists. He has over 30 years of missions, leadership, church planting and church building experience. Author of 5 published books. Based in Australia. From Durban, South Africa. Married to Joe-Ann. Two married adult children and four beautiful grandchildren.

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