Glory Days

Life happens, and time ticks on. Yes, our bodies are getting older, but old age with wisdom is key.

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The other day I was thinking about how old I was feeling and was reminiscing my younger days as being “glory days” and immediately I heard God’s Spirit say- “your glory days are just getting started.”

Proverbs 16:31 NKJV says:
“The silver-haired head is a
crown of glory, if it is found
in the way of righteousness.”


The Passion Translation says:
“Old age with wisdom will
crown you with dignity and
honor, for it takes a lifetime
of righteousness to acquire

Notice the verse says a crown of glory—if it is “found in the way” of righteousness (right standing with God). This term “in the way” means a course of life, a habit, a journey, a road. Our lives are lived daily. The journey brings ups and downs, but we get to choose what we want to cultivate into our garden every day.

Life happens, and time ticks on. Yes, our bodies are getting older, but old age with wisdom is key. Its possible to have older age and lack wisdom. Ask for wisdom because He does give liberally to those who ask sincerely -James 1:5. When you ask for wisdom, you are operating in humility… because you are seeking God on a matter and not your own will or way.

So if you are finding yourself, like I was, getting discouraged or distracted by things from the past, take a good look at how far you have come, the seeds you have sown as you have cultivated that relationship with Jesus, the good choices, the moral character. All of it counts and it will create a harvest and a seedbed for the next generation.

If you have not led this type of life, be also encouraged that it’s NEVER too late. You can choose today whom you will serve. Yes, it takes change, it takes humility and it takes surrender, but you will have peace and you will have victory because with Jesus, He became sin…your sin, when He died. Your sin was nailed and crucified and now He offers you life and victory in its place. He offers you this gift of Him. He loves you so much! Nothing you have ever said or done is greater than the blood of Jesus.

To believe that your best days are behind is to believe a lie and it will keep you stuck to the past. The truth is- we are being transformed day by day and we are going from glory to glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). So be encouraged TODAY. Your best days are ahead and your glory days are just getting started. Be found today and every day “in the way” and on the path of right standing with God. In this, you will find your sweet victory.



Featured Image by BBH Singapore on Unsplash

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About the Author

Brenda Rundus has been richly blessed to serve in various functions in the body of Christ for the past 22 years, including as a prophetic intercessor and servant leader. She is a prolific dreamer and a passionate carrier of God's presence. She finds joy in releasing what God wants to flow through her to encourage people in their identity and in their walk with God as a son or daughter. As a lover of God's Word, she is called to bring heaven to earth. Her most important roles in life have been as a wife to her husband Paul, and as a mother to their two grown sons. She resides in the Sacramento region of California and has called it her home for almost 30 years.

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