Get out of the trenches… and take back your land!
Change your posture and take your position. The wind has turned, and conditions have changed into your favor. Right now, there is a window of opportunity for the bold and courageous to repossess what they have lost. God showed me 1 Samuel 30 where David was given a window to return everything that the Amalekites had taken. He got out of his misery trench, put on his armor, and did as God instructed. He got back ALL. Nothing was missing.
I hear God calling His church to rise out of the trenches and move towards the battlefield. Do what you can and must, and let God do the rest. The battle is not yours says the Lord, but the victory is. I will do this! I will bring about a turnaround like you have never seen. Will you trust Me and follow My ways to victory? If I have your ‘YES’ then you must come out of your underground holes, hidden sanctuaries, secret lives, and veiled caves… and move with Me. It’s time to advance! It’s time to take back what the enemy has stolen. It’s time to reclaim what you’ve surrendered. It’s time to rescue everything that has become lost.
I woke to the Lord saying: I’m calling My bold and courageous Spirit-filled sons and daughters to stand up NOW! It’s time for a change of posture and a fresh stand for righteousness! Have you forgotten… Darkness has no power over you. You’ve been under the thumb of oppressors, bullies, evil principalities, and wicked rulers for too long. You have been in the trenches of fear, intimidation, and compromise too long! You have been a servant of anxiety, uncertainty, and circumstances for too long. You have been a casualty of poverty, sickness, and captivity for too long. Can’t you see how it’s been killing you? This is not who you are!
A soldier living in a trench is a captive of his enemy. He never knows what’s coming or when they will arrive. He is always on edge and never at peace. But one who lives in forward motion is free to choose… he prepares for the battles he wants to fight, dreams of the places he wants to go, and chooses when it will happen! … this is where YOUR GOD wants you… LIVING IN VICTORY and moving with authority!
Flourishing in confidence!
FULL OF real JOY! A joy that flows from His throne over all you do.
I have a strong unction from the Lord to say to His worshipping warriors …
It’s time to stand up, step out, rise up, and lead this revival with courage… for today you will see new blessings in the land He is taking you into. He has already gone before you if you will follow. BE BOLD AND COURAGEOUS… get out of your hole… get out from under the covers… for NOW, God will do wonderful things among you! Don’t be afraid. He has already secured your path. God promised never to leave or forsake you… no matter what happens! He has you FULLY covered… trust Him! Shake off your worldly thoughts and put on His garment of praise. Rejoice in this advance and see the wonders He will do! He is for you!!!
Tell yourself loudly right now…
God is with me! This is my heritage… I WILL go forward… God believes in me… I am brave and courageous! I’m getting out of the trenches and taking everything God has for me!
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on NicoSmit
Featured Image by Pexels from Pixabay
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