For ALL Have Fallen Short of the Glory of God

We war against our flesh DAILY.

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Perhaps the reason we don’t hear about the sins of God’s people after Jesus’ resurrection isn’t because they never sinned again (sinless perfection theology) but because God no longer remembered their sins.

That is what He promises.

The sea of forgetfulness.

I’ve not met one saved person who doesn’t still sin. I find it very hard to believe that Peter, James, John, and Jesus other disciples lived a sinless life after the resurrection. This is why Scripture says “If you sin – you have an Advocate”.

Make no mistake…

I’m NOT promoting sin.

Make no mistake…

We HAVE been given the ability to walk out of sin.

I’m simply stating that sinless perfection teaching is not the gospel, and hence pushes people AWAY from Christ.

I’m going to make a strong statement.

I believe “Sinless Perfection Theology” is fueled by an ANTI-CHRIST spirit.

The enemy uses this teaching to instill fear of “you’re not good enough” and the fear of failure.



If I’m being real – if you’re being real – we both sinned yesterday and possibly already today.

Don’t discount the power of your THOUGHTS and actions.

We war against our flesh DAILY.

But we are saved…


What people in the “sinless perfection” movement forget is that PRIDE is a sin.

Pride comes before the fall.

Sinless perfection theology shows the absolute ignorance of just how HOLY the HOLINESS OF JESUS actually is. It’s INSULTING to believe any of us could ever attain His level of HOLINESS.

However – REPENTANCE- is a lifestyle.

We should forever be being conformed MORE into the image of Christ.

I believe in only ONE kind of sinless perfection theology….

JESUS was SINLESS, and JESUS is perfect.

HE is THE ONLY ONE worthy enough to open the scroll – and I rest in HIS sinless perfection.

I am covered in HIS robe of righteousness, not my own.

God is close to the humble.

I need the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ as much today, as the day I was saved.




To learn more about Heidi and her Kingdom passion, visit Kingdom Come Home

Featured Image by Stormseeker on Unsplash

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About the Author

Heidi is the founder of  Kingdom Come Home a brand infused with love. Love for Jesus, love for people, and a burning passion for His word. We desire our company to assist in reaching all nations with the Gospel. We offer lifestyle options for God's people that align with biblical principles.

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