Finding Hope at Christmas

Jesus’ birth was a trumpet call. A new way of doing life.

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Christmas joy demands more than gifts.
More than romance or even family.
It’s a symbol of a new beginning—
A wakeup call to see in a new way.

Light arising in darkness.
Hope coming out of the hopeless.
Freedom breaking chains.
Victory declaring itself over defeat.

Jesus’ birth was a trumpet call.
A new way of doing life.
A God who had always been present,
But now was WITH us in a new way.

Humanity begs for new life,
Surrounded by evil and darkness.
The hope not found in changing my place
But discovered in rising above it.

Seated with Him in the heavenlies,
My perspective shifts immensely this way.
The bits of life that want to end me,
Have no lasting power and can fall off my shoulders.

So, don’t get lost in the glitz and glamor,
Forgetting who you already are.
In Jesus, we need nothing more
Than to see ourselves robed in His splendor.

No matter what surrounds you this Christmas,
Choose to approach His throne boldly.
See His constant love and His persistent care for you
As the beauty we celebrate on Christmas Day.

This happened so that what the Lord spoke through his prophet would come true: Listen! A virgin will be pregnant, she will give birth to a Son, and he will be known as “Emmanuel,” which means in Hebrew, “God became one of us.” Matthew 1:22-23



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Broken & Hopeful

Featured Image by Sepp from Pixabay






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About the Author

Hannah Morrell is executive director of Broken & Hopeful and a pastoral counselor. She has been working in lay counseling for almost 20 years and holds a Master's degree in Counseling Ministries. Hannah started Broken & Hopeful in 2016 because she was called to help those who feel broken find life, hope, and peace in their everyday life with Jesus. Broken & Hopeful is a nonprofit ministry providing donation-based Christian counseling, blog posts, an annual women’s retreat, a podcast called Undercurrents of Hope, and resources including books and video courses. Hannah loves people’s stories, considers it a privilege to hear them, and passionately works to restore people to hope.

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