
Justice declares that you are valued in His sight
as His heavenly court makes each of your wrongs right
Jesus is your Judge, your Jury, and your very Best Friend
He is Powerful, He is Magnificent—He is the Great I AM

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If your past hold regrets and you’d like to start anew

there is One who specializes in making such come true

Jesus left His royal throne to take the stand in your place

He assumed full responsibility for every sin you’d ever make


Jesus takes off your shackles and throws away the keys

He died a criminal’s death, enabling you to be set free

Your sentence is pardoned and restitution is fully paid

All offenses are expunged for every time you’ve strayed


Jesus was the scapegoat who vindicates your soul

He exonerates you and makes you perfectly whole

His holy blood was shed in exchange for every crime

as He willingly surrendered with His arms lifted high


Jesus defeated the deadly sting of sin brought on by man

so that you can live in glory in a world that has no end

Your past is covered in righteousness by His saving grace

as Jesus grants acquittal for all who call upon His name


Jesus went to great extremes to purify your soul

There is nothing more important; your soul is pure gold

Jesus is the holy sacrifice enabling you to be as clean as He

What an honor to be deemed innocent in the eyes of the King


Justice declares that you are valued in His sight

as His heavenly court makes each of your wrongs right

Jesus is your Judge, your Jury, and your very Best Friend

He is Powerful, He is Magnificent—He is the Great I AM!


Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins.  

Hebrews 10:26



This is an excerpt from Echoes of His Heart

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About the Author

Debbie always had a desire to write a book, but didn’t have a clue as to what the content could be. Children’s books and short stories piqued her interest most. She had dabbled with writing family-oriented poems, off and on over the years, but became overwhelmed with a hunger to write about God and His love in her late fifties. She started seeing God everywhere she looked whether it was in a deck of cards, movie titles, nursery rhymes, popular sayings, flower petals, or a baseball game. She finally realized that prophecy was being fulfilled when one of her sons told her that her poetry glorified God and was meant to be shared. The Lord’s words from an encounter in 2011 immediately returned to her. She had found her own way to speak about God just like He told her she would. Debbie is sharing her poetry in hopes that it will nourish and strengthen souls for the Kingdom of God. She refers to her poetic style as floetry, as it is the move of the Holy Spirit flowing from her heart to another. Her desire to flood the prisons with her book is due to God’s belief in her, and in her belief that no one can cast the first stone, but that everyone can help someone who is in desperate need of a Savior. Please visit Debbie’s Home Page for more information.

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