Day 36: The Summer of His Face Shining Upon Us- Psalm 36

Day 36 – Join Johnny Enlow for a 67-day walk through Psalms.

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Key Verses (2): “Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, Your justice like the great deep”. (v.5) 

“They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house; You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures”. (v.8)

Key Theme: The Evil of Man versus the Beauty of God. He Wins.

Key Descriptives of God: Fountain of Life; River of Pleasure; Light

Be prepared to be really encounter the Lord during today’s devotional as this is what is happening to me. In this “Summer of His Love” His Face shines upon us as He prepares a table of “fullness” in the very presence of our enemies. (the “plandemic”, the failed hit job on our economy, the failed race war etc.etc.) It is only appropriate that today’s date 8/18 would happen to coincide with Deut. 8:18 “He gives you the power to get wealth”. The heart and soul of this chapter is about being “abundantly satisfied” with what our Fountain of Life provides. His wealth extends far beyond a bank account’s bottom line.


The first four verses give us insight into those who qualify as “wicked”. There is “no fear of God” in them. They have “blind conceit” so they can’t even see their wickedness. “Everything they say is crooked and deceitful”. “They lie awake at night, hatching sinful plots.” “They make no attempt to turn from evil.” All that has been exposed in 2020 seems to be revealing this sort of “wickedness”. Before this year is over I believe we will see the last verse (v. 12) of this chapter have a profound fulfillment. “Look! Those who do evil have fallen! They are thrown down, NEVER TO RISE AGAIN.” I ask you to join me in declaring, decreeing and believing that this will be our reality in 2020, as we shift into a new kingdom era.


The catalyst into this reality are the first two words of verse 5, “YOUR LOVE”. The rest of this awesome verse turned popular worship song says it all. “Your love, Oh Lord, reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies.” David doesn’t seem to have enough vocabulary to describe His LOVE and His FAITHFULNESS. In “reaches to the heavens”, David perhaps unintentionally, says more than he knows. “YOUR LOVE” is the antidote to the first four verses of dominating evil. It has the power to go into the “second heavens” (where evil is headquartered) and displace and dislodge. The “second heavens” thought-realm is presently being assaulted by our great God’s LOVE and FAITHFULNESS. It creates a “Great Awakening” on earth.


“Your RIGHTEOUSNESS is like the MIGHTY MOUNTAINS, Your JUSTICE like the GREAT DEEP.” (v.5) As it tells us in Ps.89:14, “RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE are the foundation of Your throne.” What the love and faithfulness of God is awakening will overhaul the 7 “mighty mountains” of media, economy, government, education, arts/entertainment, family, and religion. It will also overhaul “the great deep”. RIGHTEOUSNESS (Hebrew word TSEDAQAH) means “righteous acts; justice; moral virtue; rightness”. JUSTICE (MISHPAT in Hebrew) means “favorable verdict; execution of a judgment; act of deciding a case; ordinance; justice.” If you recognize the nuanced difference here, TSEDAQAH is in PEOPLE, and MISHPAT is in SYSTEMS. JUSTICE is a great overlapping theme, as it is in both Hebrew words. Our kingdom assignment is to affect the “great deep”  foundation of systems as well as the “mighty mountains” of human behavior. His love addresses justice in systems and righteousness in people. The 7 Mountain Mandate is to, through His love and faithfulness, REVIVE people and REFORM systems. REVIVAL AND REFORMATION!


I love this phrase of verse 8. The Hebrew word RAVAH is used for “abundantly satisfied”. It means “water; make drunk; fill; satiate; saturate; be intoxicated; soak; bathe.” Wow, that is thorough. This is what He wants to do for “the children of men” (v.7). Yes, that includes you :). Maybe, when you are done reading you could find the song of verse 5 and let Him water you, saturate you, bathe you and intoxicate you. And not done yet, David has to add the word FULLNESS (Hebrew word DESHEN) meaning “abundance, blessing, and fertility.” If the “fertility” is not personally needed you could bequeath it to your children and/or their children:):) Where does all this come from? HIS HOUSE. Not a church building but where He abides. He inhabits the praises of His people both in church and in the 7 Mountains. Living out your kingdom assignment is praise to Him. If we would properly align with His narrative, “YOUR HOUSE” could also be OUR CHURCH’S reality. Wouldn’t that be awesome? It will be in many places.


“You give them drink from the RIVER OF  YOUR PLEASURES.” (v.8) The Hebrew word for “pleasures” is EDEN. He wants us to drink from the river of Eden! Is that not something? Yes, in the midst of the first 4 verses of gross evil. To make it plainer. Yes, in the midst of quarantines, “social distancing”, riots, communism, and a lying media telling you THEY are winning. The word EDEN means “luxury, pleasure, dainty, delight and finery.” Yes today, 8/18 (Deut. 8:18), He gives you the power to get wealth. It is so much more enjoyable for Him to do so “in the presence of our enemies” and under contradiction. In heaven, this is just standard.


“For with You is the FOUNTAIN OF LIFE; In Your light we see light.” (v.9) Wow, hard to believe this didn’t make it as my key verse huh?. That word LIFE in Hebrew is CHAY and it means “alive, living, merry, fresh, raw, appetite.”

Is that not good? He is the source of REVIVAL and it is being released all across the land. You will know it has hit you when you feel “alive and living” rather than dead and dying. You will feel “merry” rather than distressed.”Fresh” rather than “a has-been”. (Did you know that when Sarah laughed at being reminded of her promised son Isaac, she actually said “Shall I being old have EDEN?” Gen. 18:12. This is for many of you.) “Raw” means authentic and real. Finally, the ultimate sign that Revival has come to you is your “appetite” for God has become ravishing.


That is the last line of verse 9 and a profound little phrase. In 2020 think of seeing “light at the end of a tunnel” (like on the cover my new book “The End of the World- as You Know it):). If you can’t see Him, you will only process present darkness—  and if you are a stuck prophet or intercessor you will pass that on to others. If hope is not on the tip of your tongue you are not “a realist” but a studier of darkness. What a wasted study. Repent!! Then worship in “His House”, immerse yourself in the “river of His pleasures”, drink deeply of “the fountain of life” and see everything through HIS LIGHT. You will be abundantly, satisfied with fullness. 



Written by: Johnny Enlow

Featured Image by chris ganser on Unsplash


You can find all of the posts in this series by clicking the button below. 









The 67 Day Countdown Series is brought to you by Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow, founders of Restore7 ministry, as well as international speakers and best-selling authors. Among Johnny’s books are The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, Rainbow God, The Seven Mountain Renaissance, Becoming A Superhero, and RISE. Elizabeth serves as CEO and penned Rainbow God: The Seven Colors of Love and God in Every Season.

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Kingdom Winds Contributors - Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow are social reformers at heart, as well as international speakers and authors of The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. As ones focused on the reformation of the 7 primary areas of culture, they are spiritual mentors to many in Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education. Their passion is to awaken our generation to the reality of the God of all of life, Who not only cares for our souls but also has practical solutions to offer through His sons and daughters for every problem that exists in society.

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