Dreams are Coming to Harvest!

God will not give you a seed that cannot produce or a word that is unable to be completed.

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Great harvests begin with great dreams! Every harvest starts with somebody who believes the dream enough to work the field. God told me that many are coming into a new era that once was a dream, but now it will turn into the salvation of nations. What was once a dream found in the impossible place is now starting to look like a harvest ripening on the field. It’s like a dream coming true. It’s been so many years.

NOW those in worship and intercession are starting to see…the desert is coming alive, the early rains are falling, and the river is starting to bubble. Something is happening on the fields of dreams. Hearts are starting to rise, mouths are filling with laughter and eyes are being overcome with wonder as the Lord begins to turn wild prayers and outrageous dreams into reality. Those who sowed worship and time in tears are now dropping their garments of heaviness in the light of their dreams becoming harvests greater than their dreams could imagine. What was once only a dream will soon be bread on the table! [Psalm 126]  

Joseph said to his brothers, I had a dream. You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. [Genesis 50:20] You don’t understand my dream was bigger than you bowing to me, it is God saving nations! 

Joseph was unpopular and unliked for many years until the moment his dream was due to come to harvest! Some have become frustrated with a clear dream, vision, and promise from the Lord that has not been well received by friends, colleagues, and even family. You do well to remember Joseph. His bothers, Potiphar’s wife, the jailers, and Satan all tried to put an end to what God showed Joseph, but he held on. They did not understand. The dream did not come from Joseph but from God. As long as Joseph had a heart to believe in the dream, God had a plan to deliver it. 

People may block you, hinder you, resist you, delay you, and say: ‘Let’s see what will become of your dreams now!’ [Genesis 37:20] but you need to remember…

  • Nobody can kill your dream but you.

  • Nobody can cancel or rewrite your dream but you.

  • Nobody can crush the hope in your dream like you can.

If you are brave enough to follow your God-inspired dreams, then you must know God will ALWAYS give you the courage you need to not give up. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified, for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. [Deuteronomy 31:6] Everyone may turn their backs on you, but God never will. At every turn, in every struggle, and in every moment “the Lord was with Joseph…” [Genesis 39:21]

You do well to remember Joseph. He had incredible dreams of unbelievable things that were far greater than anything he was able to do. For his impossible dreams to come to harvest he needed to allow God to take him on a journey to a place and time where such things could come to pass. It took 23 years from the dream to its fulfillment! As crazy as it seemed God brought every part of this unbelievable dream to life. Every part of your dream can come true too if you are willing to trust God, stay faithful, and let the journey prepare you to walk in it.

The world needs your dream. DON’T GIVE UP!

God has been impressing on me that there are Josephs carrying world-changing dreams burning on the inside of their hearts, but they’ve become restless about the time it has taken for God to fulfill His promise. They’ve seen the world getting darker and the famine approaching. They’ve heard the doom and gloom. But they’ve not seen the green sprouts of their dream coming to pass. God will say to you: Like a harvest, some dreams take a season to reach their due time! It will not miss its due time. I will revive the land, save the nations, and refresh My house.

The word for you is this:

If you’ve been faithful to your call and devoted to God, you may already have met your cupbearer and the time for your dream to turn into a harvest may be as close as today!
And if you haven’t met your cupbearer yet, watch out and be faithful for he may show up any day now. DON’T MISS HIM!

Keep a grace-filled and kind heart. When your time comes your harvest will be irresistible, but until then people may not see or appreciate what you carry. Be assured, God wants the dreams locked up in your heart to be fulfilled. It’s His will! So… Don’t grow weary, tired, discouraged, or give up on the dream God has called you to for in due season you will reap if you do not lose heart. [Galatians 6:9]

God will not give you a seed that cannot produce or a word that is unable to be completed. For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen. [2 Corinthians 1:20] When the day of your dream speaks of comes, the world will see the dreams you have been nurturing were from the Lord. Many will remember the words spoken over you, the words you’ve received, the visions you’ve shared, and the dreams you told AND THEY WILL SAY:

BEAUTIFUL… BEAUTIFUL to the dream and the dreamer.

We see it now!


God has great plans, purpose, and future for you!

God declares: “‘For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. [Jeremiah 29:11]


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on NicoSmit

Featured Image by Alfred Derks from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Nico Smit is Lead Pastor at RiverCity Churches (Australia), Chairman at Gateway Life Solutions, Director at OCI Foundation, and a respected prophetic voice in the Christian community. National elder with ACTS Global churches in Australia and a council member on the Australian Prophetic Council. He holds a clinical counsellor's registration and is a current member on the Australian Register of Counsellors and Psychotherapists. He has over 30 years of missions, leadership, church planting and church building experience. Author of 5 published books. Based in Australia. From Durban, South Africa. Married to Joe-Ann. Two married adult children and four beautiful grandchildren.

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