Divine Encounters and Divine Intervention

Suddenly, it will happen for your transition is complete.

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I heard, “Divine Encounters and Divine Intervention.” Expect God to pop into your life in unexpected ways with Suddenlies OUT OF THE BLUE! 

And I saw a Butterfly popping out of its cocoon — not slowly as in the natural — but literally POPPING out for such a time as this — I heard, “Acceleration in Ministry!”

Not organized religion but street ministry, wherever you go ministry!

You will pop into someone’s life with a word! Or God will send one of His butterflies to you. You will pop in with a word out of the blue!

And I saw that the Cocoon was God’s Hand!

I looked up the word, “POP.” It means “To make a light explosive sound. To burst forth, explode. To cause (something) to burst, making a light explosive sound. To go somewhere for a short time, often without notice.”

Oh, but our Father notices! He is the One bringing you forth, the transition will happen SUDDENLY!

“Beloved. Never lose hope, My Child.

I AM the God of Suddenlies. Keep praying, keep believing!

I have been preparing you in The Secret Place. I have taken you into the Holy of Holies.

I have been transforming you from Glory to greater Glory. Now the Time has come.

Now I AM releasing you. Suddenly, a Word will be in your mouth. Suddenly, things shall come to pass that I have spoken.

I have never expected you to be perfect, My Love. I have perfected you in Christ Jesus.

It is His Perfection and Beauty that you possess. I have taken the Coal from the Alter and touched your lips, that you would give a Word in season.

And I AM sending others to you with My Word in their mouth. Suddenly, it will happen for your transition is complete.

You are My Prophetic Butterflies being released SUDDENLY, exploding forth in My Glory for all to see!

Get ready to be sent SUDDENLY to encourage, edify, and exhort!

Suddenly, I will send another to you; Get ready for a Word, for I AM speaking to My Called Out Ones, My Remnant chosen by Grace.

Wherever I send My Word, ACTION takes place for My Word is ALIVE!

It never returns to Me empty but it accomplishes that purpose for which it was sent.

Get ready for a Divine Intervention and a Divine Encounter, Beloved!

Your life shall be changed and you shall change the lives of others, immediately, swiftly, instantly, OUT OF THE BLUE shall miracles break forth with just one Word!”

OUT OF THE BLUE: Something completely unexpected. A complete surprise. Spontaneous.

POP IN: To visit unexpectedly, usually for some purpose. Drop by, step into. (Cambridge Dictionary)

SUDDENLY: Strong’s Hebrew #6597 and Strong’s Greek #869: Suddenly. Adverb from aphanes; unaware, i.e. Unexpectedly. Immediately, instantly, swiftly, in quick succession. A positive dramatic interruption in human affairs with immediate, instantaneous intervention, provision, releases, blessings, healings, etc.
God Himself declared that what He has spoken with His Holy Mouth will happen and WILL BE DONE SUDDENLY in our lives (Isaiah 48:3).

“I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of my mouth, and I showed them; I did them SUDDENLY, and they came to pass.” Isaiah 48:3

“He sendeth forth His commandment upon earth: HIS WORD RUNNETH VERY SWIFTLY”. Psalm 147:15

“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And SUDDENLY there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.” Acts 2:1-3.

“Then one of the Living Creatures flew down to me, carrying a burning coal that he had taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. He touched my lips with the burning coal and said, “This has touched your lips, and now your guilt is gone, and your sins are forgiven.”Then I heard the Lord say, “Whom shall I send? Who will be our messenger?” I answered, “I will go! Send me!”” Isaiah 6:6-8


Featured Image by Andra C Taylor Jr on Unsplash

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About the Author

Deborah Fry is the founder of Deborah Waldron Fry Ministries and a Kingdom Winds Contributor. She is the author of Come Away My Beloved: Whispers from the Throneroom.

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