
Those who can keep their eyes clear and pure will accomplish incredible feats for the kingdom of God in this season and in their lifetime.

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I am super excited to be sharing this word because I believe that this word is meant to help you make some sense of things that have been happening and help you pray for those that you love. I got this word in corporate prayer, and I heard the Lord loud and clear when he gave me the word: Distorted.
I knew this was from the Lord because that isn’t a common word I use in my vocabulary and what the Holy Spirit was showing me lines up directly with the time and season we are currently in. The word distorted means: “Misrepresenting facts or reality about something.” My immediate thoughts went to mainstream media, especially during election season, and there is always misinterpretation of facts from every angle. While all of that is true, this is not what the Lord was referring to.

He revealed that he was speaking about people’s mindsets and their day-to-day life choices and understanding, he was saying that these things are what is distorted. I recently did a word study over the word “understanding” in the Bible, and I learned that people truly don’t have a correct understanding of the kingdom of God and the way in which the kingdom realm operates. People are distorted in their mindsets towards the reality of life according to the kingdom of God.

There are very few people in life that I can say, “They have no confusion, they completely understand every aspect of the kingdom of God.” The Bible says that there is no confusion in God’s name, only peace. This word is so prominent because God does not want his people to have distorted vision. Do you see more out of your spiritual eyes or your natural eyes? About a year ago, God gave me a word about the importance of discernment in these upcoming years. Our spiritual eyes must be open in this season to be able to recognize the distortion of the lies and schemes of the things surrounding us. 

The church at large has been distorted for quite some time now. The Bible even talks about how they will have a form of godliness yet deny his true power. Matthew 6:10 says, “May your kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” All our churches are on the Earth, aren’t they? I inspect myself every Sunday, “Was the kingdom of God manifested at Roar Church today? Was the power of the holy spirit in operation? Were signs, wonders, and miracles manifested? On the side wall of our sanctuary, it says, “In Texarkana, as it is in Heaven.” Why? Because there is nothing more precious, more valuable, more important than the presence of God. Our churches should not have a distorted view of the kingdom of heaven or the power of God, but we should be operating and flowing in the power of the Holy Spirit just like in Heaven. 

God desires to give his children clarity, not confusion, over this next season. I believe that over the next 4 to 5 years God is going to provide us with the unique opportunity to advance in our lives, ministries, and businesses. Now is the time to build. I was speaking with a gentleman the other day and he is one of those guys who can fix anything, figure anything out, or help in any kind of field where he is needed, but he works a minimum job. Despite all the obvious gifts and talents, he has, he has never been able to fully keep his head on straight. Therefore, because of his distorted mind, he can’t accomplish the plans and purposes that God has placed on his life. Why am I telling you this? Because now is the time to build, create, and design, but if you have a distorted mindset, it will hinder you from accomplishing what needs to happen in this season. 

If there has ever been a time in history or a time in your life to have a clear view of the kingdom of God, undistorted, it is right now. Over the next 4 years, some people will build legacies for their families that will last forever while some will fall into distortion and lose focus on the kingdom of God. That is why mindset is key in this season, it is hard to see and understand things through a distorted lens, but those who can keep their eyes clear and pure will accomplish incredible feats for the kingdom of God in this season and in their lifetime.

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About the Author

Joe Joe is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and a visionary leader who empowers believers to accomplish the call that God has placed inside of them. His heart is to see this nation awakened and for every individual to experience personal revival. God is calling us as believers to a greater depth of intimacy with Him, and Joe's passion is to see that reached.

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