Destination Home

It takes just one moment, and security is yours to hold.

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Destination: Home (I hate cancer)

No more poisons around…
Nothing to stop this heart…
No roads with stones to block…
nothing to endure our time apart..
When eyes have closed forever,
and the broken is left behind.

When times have ended abruptly,
home won’t be hard to find.
The tempers no longer flair,
no need for tears of pain.
Disease and famine aren’t there…
No nothing will ever be the same.

Those who fought hopelessness,
finally get to see.
All that God had in store…
for those who held one thought, to be free.
In Him, we seek peace,
and it is what is found.

This life as we know it…
No longer matters, profound.
It takes just one moment,
and security is yours to hold.
When upon the final breath,
you find your way ….home.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Authentic Truths

Featured Image by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Lisa Wenninger is a speaker, writer, podcaster, and Kingdom Winds Collective member. She currently manages a local church with a family of believers she loves. Lisa enjoys volunteering as a Stephen Minister and being able to walk alongside others in their time of need. She is an animal lover (former assistant to the director at this fantastic location), a beach enthusiast, and enjoys hiking, museums, and eating out. Fun fact - she loves to sing but says that you don’t want to hear her do it.

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