Cultivating Your Heart

Coming as the latter rain, covering the earth, His mercy extends.

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Trampled by carnality and worldliness, the heart disengages.
Weighed down by worldly cares, the soil cries for righteousness.
Disillusionment taking over, the heart gives way to confusion.
Cracked and broken, the soil of the ground yearns to be plowed.
With the promise of righteous rain, prayers for rain are heard.
Committed to cultivating fallow ground, repentance is pursued.
Coming as the early rain, His righteousness rains uninhibited.
As righteousness begins to rain, His love softens the ground.
Cracks disappearing, righteousness covering, chains are unbound.
The ground saturated with righteousness, newness emerges.
As newness occurs, transformation sprouts with renewed reality.
The ground watered and nurtured, increase gives way to vitality.
With a spirit of joyfulness, the ground gives way to new fruit.
Immersed in wisdom and revelation, a surge of power is felt.
As a downpour of righteousness extends, new fields are plowed.
Coming as the latter rain, covering the earth, His mercy extends.
Made entirely new, cultivated by His Spirit, the anointed rise.
In His fullness, fully matured, the harvest is beautiful and glorious.
The harvest completed, the earth’s fruit is excellent and appealing.
Having escaped from worldliness, they stand ready for His return.


Thank you, Lord, for transforming my life and breathing on me in such a way that I continually desire more of You. Help me always to rely on Your sufficiency to maintain a sense of newness that keeps me vibrant in your ways and purposes. Cultivate my heart to be ready to receive the seed that gives birth to new things.

Purchase Ken’s book Rise of the Anointed Ones: Anointed for Such a Time as This here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Ken Birks

Featured Image by Souvick Ghosh from Pixabay

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About the Author

Ken Birks is an ordained pastor/teacher/author in the Body of Christ. His primary function is that of Bible teacher. Ken was the Senior Pastor of Golden Valley Christian Center, a non-denominational, Spirit-filled church in Roseville Ca, for twelve years where he currently resides.

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