On the morning of March 14th, I saw a single cup filled to its brim. It still had liquid being poured over its top, even though the cup was full.
I believe many who are dry are going to be filled and even come into a place of Supernatural Overflow! Times of Refreshing are coming for many because, for many, the dry season has been Long and difficult.
Through the dry seasons, God has brought many things which were out of step with Jesus Christ back into proper perspective and alignment. As a result, the things which were keeping you in those places have been realigned, restructured, or just completely removed.
Because of the dry season ending, the Lord is bringing the Rains. Both the Former (things you’ve experienced before from Him) and the Latter (the new things that He’s going to do in you and through you) upon you at the same time. The end result of this will be an OVERFLOWING CUP!
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. YOU ANOINT MY HEAD WITH OIL; MY [brimming] CUP RUNS OVER.” Psalms 23:5
As your enemies are defeated, the anointing is coming, and your cup is going to be full to overflowing! For some of us, those enemies will be poverty, sickness, and disease. For others, it will be witchcraft, isolation, and betrayal. But they will all fall before Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit!
“So repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), THAT TIMES OF REFRESHING (of recovering from the effects of heat, of reviving with fresh air) MAY COME FROM THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD;” Acts 3:19
Repentance brings the Refreshing! As the Holy Spirit continues to align us with the Heavenly Mandate, we will continue to experience this Overflow. Every area of our lives that we bring into subjection to Jesus Christ brings us more and more into a state of Overflow. Even some of your enemies may fall in line, they may not understand it, but some of your naysayers in the past will become your promoters going forwards.
“When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.” Proverbs 16:7
I Pray your Overflow starts today and carries you deeper and deeper into The Presence of God more than you’ve ever been before. For the closer you get to Jesus Christ, the more you will Overflow to everyone around you!
Featured Image by Anja from Pixabay
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