Jaime Luce

Just Pray

If you want this year to be different, become a person of prayer.

Press On!

The enemy would love to keep us locked up in the things we can’t relive.

The Main Thing

The single key that opens every door tears down every wall, and defeats every enemy is the presence of God!

He’s Relentless

He loves you with an everlasting love and will be relentless until He finds you no matter how you became lost.

Keys to Hearing God Speak

If I was continually asked for help or direction but the advice was never headed I’d quit giving it.

7x A Failure

The righteous fall 7 times but they get back up. He still calls you righteous!  

Stay Hungry My Friends

Why do we miss the obvious observations when it comes to our own condition and growth in the Lord? 

Sacrificial Love

You are not forgotten in the desert. Be watching and listening for Him to call your name.

Shift Your Focus

We must be ever learning from the one with perfect vision otherwise we could be the blind leading the blind.

Real Freedom

Self-pity keeps me tethered to me and nothing else.  How can I be about my Father’s business if I can’t see past myself?

Who Am I?

We know, “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.” That’s something to be joyful about.

Are You Offended?

When we are stripped of our comfort zone and pruned of all we think we know, we begin to question everything.

Can You Hear Me Now?

If you aren’t reading His word, praying, and conversing with Him, you can’t hold Him responsible when you feel confused and don’t know what to do.


God is a wonderful loving father who wants to provide for our every need in order to live a blessed life. 


We need His strength to outrun our enemy and overcome every lie and hurdle that comes to trip us up.

From Faith to Faith

If there is going to be a revival, it must start in the church with its leaders.

Why Are You Here?

We continually go back to the dead places looking for comfort and peace.

You Decide

If Jesus is your King, don’t cower to the crowd of accusers.

Why Are You Here?

Determine to feed yourself from the tree of life and drink from the one who gives living water.

Amazing Grace

Be careful not to trample on the goodwill and favor of God.

Nothing Can Stand Against You!

Since you want His plan and follow His lead, He will see to it that you get there and accomplish all that He placed in your heart.

How to Reign

Don’t waste time building your kingdom where moth and rust corrupt.

Take Revenge

We are to be ready to take revenge on every lie that has been spoken to us and over us.

Don’t Conform

Purge from your mind the lies that have stolen your God-given identity.

Where is Real Peace Found

The knowledge of Jesus gives us access to His great power by the Holy Spirit for “all things” that deal with life and righteous living.

Longing Desire

More of Jesus is all that is necessary, and nothing less will do.

Keep Digging!

If you want to be blessed, you need wells, but know that there will be attacks from the enemy to rob you of your wells.


Ignore the “false evidence” that the devil is waving at you with an “It is written.”

The Danger of a Church Without Salt

Instead of teaching the whole truth with conviction, we left out all the “how to live a Biblically holy life” parts because we didn’t want people to feel judged.

Do the Hard Thing!

Men won’t always understand. That’s because God didn’t speak that to them.

Are You Satisfied?

I challenge you to make sure that you do the things that give life and strengthen you for your journey.

It’s a Set Up

When trapped between the sea and an enemy, don’t be intimidated. God will hatch a plan.