Names of the One True King
The name above every other name.
The name above every other name.
It’s always been about Him.
My feelings shouldn’t be my compass.
Thank you JESUS we know how this story ends.
Sometimes God’s children fall into the trap of needing to be seen, recognized, heard, and even adored.
My SPIRIT MAN is at peace, even when my physical self is not.
Just keep bearing good fruit.
Spiritual growth comes when you can tear down your opinions, and submit your thoughts to God.
I pray He changes me to reflect more of Him.
We have no more time for passive Christianity.
Stay ablaze.
Put on the full armor of God.
We must become passionate about what HE is passionate for.
How does one even comprehend that the King of Glory has His eyes fixed upon us?
What marks us is in what we think (an emblem on your forehead) and in what we do (bind them as a sign on your hand).
Gossip is driven by pride, jealousy, comparison, envy, and manmade religion which always turns into hate.
Stop running.
Keep sharing Jesus, friend.
We cease striving to be something and we sit at His feet.
He took the heavy yoke upon Himself.
They still remember His voice.
I could feel the absolute love of Jesus pouring through me.
Rest must be our strategy.
None greater.
68% of church-going men and over 50% of pastors view porn on a regular basis.
You are presented as perfect because JESUS is perfect.
His passion for us, HIS COMPASSION for us is why He came!
Can you carry the weighty things of God?
We are to die to our flesh, not look for loopholes and back doors.
Edification and education go hand in hand.
Let me tell you about THIS LOVE.
How I wish we hated our own sin, as much as we hate everyone else’s.
The veil was torn.
Scandalous grace and mercy.
For every babe in Christ who gets led astray…there will be a reckoning.
My faith needs to be in that His way is best.
It is God’s mercy for the sick, the broken, and the demonized that moves Him to compassion.
People need to know that God desires their heart.
Let our LOVE shine SO BRIGHT that it lights up this dark and dying world.
The blessings God pours out on your life are for you, but also for you to pour into others.
When you focus on JESUS, Holy Spirit will change you.
We war against our flesh DAILY.
Jesus is the Seal of Adoption.
Are we ready to get dirty?
God didn’t allow me to drown in the darkness.
We give Him our yes.
Sometimes our spiritual Siberia is actually a divine appointment with The King.
Praying and believing.
Who we are to be.
We have strayed far from the heart of the Father.
He is the same yesterday, today, and forever!
Samuel was obedient anyway.
The only way for a blood-bought believer to be effective is for them to know their identity and to walk in it.
This is my clarion call to come home.
The battle is real.
If we don’t run towards the ones others are running away from… who will?
You speak LIFE where others may have spoken death.
But he answered, “You give them something to eat.”
Today was a beautiful day of walking out scripture.
We should start with fruit inspection and that means looking in our own bowl first.
He desires to do it all.
We act cowardly to protect ourselves.
If you don’t want Jesus in the valley, you also won’t want Him on the mountaintop.
My relationship with Him must be built on His thoughts of me, and this world.
I will remain an open vessel for my Father to use, exactly as He sees fit.
Destroying chaos.
I don’t need to worry myself with how others are walking with God.
It’s a place where sometimes you and Jesus don’t say a word.
Let me not fall prey to a god of my own understanding, or creation.
Jesus has a voice that sounds like many waters!
God knows each of His children intimately, and every tear we shed has meaning to Him.
The spiritually dead will rise when they hear the sound of VICTORY.
When you can offer a hand up to someone who’s harmed you — that’s spiritual growth.
Reverence must return to the house of the Lord.
Your Jesus T-shirt collection won’t save you.
You’re doing GREAT.
They just need Jesus.
I thank the Lord, Jesus Christ that I wont stand before the Father robed in my own righteousness.
Our fear should be staying at tables and partaking in things that God hates.
Many believe in Him and yet walk in no power.
His desire is to fill you with a love like you’ve never known, yet has been available this entire time.
Jesus came to do what Adam did not.
Let me fear You Lord in every area where I lack LOVE.
Love is me identifying your pain point, and pointing you toward Jesus to heal.
You are no longer of the world so you are not bound to the things of this earth.
If each denomination of the church worried about ITS FUNCTION we could all hold hands and run efficiently and effectively.
Whatever you do – however you celebrate our Savior – DO IT WITH LOVE.
Stop attempting to BE anything.
There’s nothing stronger than a man who is rooted in The Word of God.
God sets a table so we can invite people to sit down.
Jesus doesn’t promise us a rose garden, or a unicorn.
Had they only asked, they would have received my strategies. Instead, they chose their own.
We love Him uniquely, it can’t be duplicated.
If we don’t run towards the ones others are running away from… who will?
David knew that the Lord was with him, so what should he fear?!
What is Jesus trying to teach me in the moments when He doesn’t show up the way I expected Him to?
His love is radical and extreme.
It’s a dangerous thing to live in the Old Testament when Jesus went to the cross to bring forth a NEW and BETTER COVENANT.
Like a bride approaching her One True Love, you’ve been veiled for Him.