ONE VOICE PODCAST: What does it Mean to Suffer?
Digging deep into the meaning of suffering, and you going to be surprised and enlightened to know what it really means! I want you to come and ride the wave with me of what it means to suffer.
Digging deep into the meaning of suffering, and you going to be surprised and enlightened to know what it really means! I want you to come and ride the wave with me of what it means to suffer.
The presence of the LOVE of God is here right now, and He wants me to tell you that HE is rejoicing over your life, that He is passionate about you, and that HE is dancing over you with love songs of singing.
All of your disappointments have led you to where you are now. You are called to join God with what HE is doing! And if He is doing something ABUNDANT AND MORE…then so will YOU! God has something MORE for you…something good in your life, in your destiny.
God has assignments for us. These assignments will turn out to be “seasons” in our lives. Seasons don’t last forever, but God is in control of every season and all our circumstances! God is writing the story of your life. He writes the plans that He has for you by depositing dreams in your heart.
In this episode you will hear an encouraging word that God is not wanting to destroy you, nor put sickness on you, steal from you, take away from you or leave you depressed, desolate, and alone! No! God is a God of multiplication and He’s wanting to add and multiply in your life, not subtract and divide.
You don’t choose your assignments but they choose you! All of your disappointments have led you to where you are now. You are called to greatness! God has something GREATER…something BETTER in your life, in your destiny. GOD IS UP TO SOMETHING GREATER THAN YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE!
When tears become your food and drink, God has a promise attached to them!
Janet talks about the new things that God is doing! Sometimes God is at work right in front of you, but you can’t see it because you’ve been spending time looking in the rearview mirror. God goes BEFORE YOU. He leads you FORWARD, not backward.
Today I believe you will be inspired by the Word of God. It is so powerful. You know, from time to time, we ALL can feel “heavy” and “weighed down” by the trials of life. But this is why we have the Body of Christ, the Word of God, and the sweet Holy Spirit! We can get through anything TOGETHER when we trust the Lord AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
Today you are going to hear an incredible story about a lady who KNOWS what it feels like to be molested by a neighbor pedophile, never told anyone, and kept it a secret, which eventually led to a lifestyle of promiscuity and abortion.
Pastor Chris tells his story of hopelessness, false accusations, being thrown in jail, turning into an alcoholic, and making his way back to Jesus and finding HOPE again. Today you are going to be so inspired.
Hope deferred refers to hope that is delayed! Have you ever felt like your hope is delayed or that the promise is delayed?
The Bible says that we should pay close attention to the way we walk and live our lives. We only have a little time here on the earth, and it’s important HOW you live it as a Christian.
God is saying there is glory just around the corner! God will get the glory out of your story and your life! Keep a pure heart, keep a good attitude and find meaning in Jesus. Then you will see HIM at work!
Last week you all heard the story of an amazing woman who was crushed between two cars at the tender age of two. But today, you are going to hear from her mother.
Twenty-eight years later, after 30 months and approximately 45 surgeries, Kayla stands to tell of God’s faithfulness and how His grace and mercy are enough. She is now 30 years old, telling her story of pain, distress, weakness, insults, hardships, and infirmities.
There are three kinds of doors, a Manual Door that requires work and effort, a Revolving Door that requires timing, and an Automatic Door that requires you to SHOW UP!
God is speaking directly to our hearts, never to give up and to HOPE again. You have to listen to the very end because a wave of the Holy Spirit came upon me as I was speaking, and HE spoke to my heart about you!!!
Learn how peace is a weapon that we use against the enemy. In this podcast, we are going to talk about the four principles to build your life: faith, prayer, God’s Word, Fruit of the Spirit. The Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, PEACE, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, and self-control.
Bo talks about how hurt and sexual assault opened doors for demonic activity in his life that led to addiction, alcoholism, and divorce.
It was the power of the Holy Spirit that helped Wendell Morris each step of the way. Listen to this incredible man talk about his story of rejection from his mom to a loving Father who redeemed him.
In this podcast, you are going to feel the presence of God. Paula talks about how her husband fell dead at her feet and how God kept her in a bubble and carried her through the grief process.
One thing we have to understand is that God wants to BUILD AND REBUILD our lives, our families, our marriages, and our careers. But when we have a snare in our souls, it hinders us from the building process.
There’s been a question in this season among the church, “Is God Still Calling Prophets?” Chaifa has a powerful story of how God called her out of the wilderness and to step into her destiny of a Prophetess.
It’s important to understand and know that God is with us and Jesus came to give us an abundant life so we could walk out healing and wholeness in our spirit, soul, and body.
We are starting the new year of the Jewish Calendar, and she explained in detail what the fall holidays mean! Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles. These are appointed seasons of God, and Dr. Candice explains in this podcast the power of observing these holidays and the freedom and blessings they will bring upon you and your family!
Dawn tells her story of incest and how it affected her marriage, which eventually ended in divorce.
Angela tells her God story about how the Lord has been helping her navigate through the pain of grief, loss, pain, and identity crisis.
You will hear the powerful story of how Debra found HOPE in the middle of darkness even when her darkness was created by her own choices in life. She played the fool and danced with the world and caressed the voices in her head that whispered lies from the pits of hell. Debra believed the lies and allowed herself to walk down a road of addiction, partying, pain and darkness.
Everyone has a destiny, a dream, a talent, a test, a journey, a calling, obstacles, haters, failures, and everyone has a choice!
Janet gives a word of encouragement to all those who are in ministry. She saw a prophetic Vision in prayer of what is happening to the body of Christ under various trials.
Pastor Tom Akins was at the end of his rope, ready to take his life, then the Holy Spirit showed up in a powerful way.
Lacey Thompson’s story is so powerful! What God did for her while she was in the middle of managing her sin is nothing short of a miracle.
In this new episode, Elaine Lowry Brye tells of her journey of being a mom of four military officers, one each in the Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marines. Her heart is to reach out to moms to bring comfort to their empty hearts while their children serve in the military.
You can’t ignore the trauma, you can’t wish it away, you can’t even pray it away, but you have to face it, you have to confront it, and Rhett said for him, he had to accept it. When he did, God began to show up in a million little ways.
A story about a small town girl that had nowhere to turn. She found strength and hope as God began to show up in small, powerful ways.
If you are struggling and sometimes feel overwhelmed trying to navigate through the stormy waters, you are going to be blessed by this podcast. Pay close attention to what you are about to hear.
God wants to rebuild everything that the enemy has torn down in your life. Keep believing, and don’t lose faith. You will feel the Love of God in the podcast, and I pray the Holy Spirit will draw you to God’s heart by showing your kindness and love.
Kim tells how she made it through the roughest waters of her life. Being diagnosed with cancer that eventually led to a permanent colostomy bag.
Ana Jaffar tells her story of the childhood disease of Crohn’s and how she is dealing with the challenges it brings.
HOW DOES A PERSON MAKE IT THROUGH THIS? Listen to this full episode and find out! You will hear the raw story of how Melinda walked through the valley of the shadow of death. You will hear about her dark times, her good times, and how God used people to help her.
You are going to be so touched by Dana’s story!
On two different occasions, Jacob felt as if he were dying and wasn’t going to pull through. But God was not finished with him. I am inspired by this young man, his strength, and his faith in God!
Janet gives a prophetic word for those who have found themselves in a battle and feel like God has abandoned them!
Nicole Bromley talks about her experience of childhood abuse, the trauma of suicide, and how now she is using her voice to make a difference all over the world.
Nicole Bromley talks about her experience of childhood abuse, the trauma of suicide, and how now she is using her voice to make a difference all over the world.
Tony Maisey tells his story of childhood trauma that led to the jungle of Peru.
Tony Maisey tells his story of childhood trauma that led to the jungle of Peru.
Dr. Carol Tanksley tells her story of overcoming fear, anxiety, and the death of her husband.
Maksim tells of miracles that have never been told while Ukraine was being attacked!
Serena Dyksen is the author of She Found His Grace, her life story of healing and finding God’s grace after abortion and sexual trauma. She has a heart for every to know that it is possible to find God’s grace after abortion.
Kimberly tells us her story of how she was raised as a Buddhist but got baptized at the age of 12. After a near-death encounter around the age of 21, she fully gave her life to Jesus.
Char Blair says that God put HIS desires in her heart and that is what changed everything. Becoming HOLY and having fellowship with the Holy Spirit changes a person from the inside out.
A story of restoration and of making it through a walk of darkness that she and her family had never known. Stepping into a total dependency on God as she had never experienced.
God wants YOU and He wants to use YOU and your story for His glory! We are in the last days and God is looking for soldiers to carry the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Anxiety affects our spirit, soul, and body! In this week’s podcast, Joey will share with us how we can deal with anxiety in practical and spiritual ways!
Dudley Bradley Jr. continues his story on how grief has affected his life and all those around him.
Dudley Bradley Jr. tells his story of being a caretaker to finally laying his wife to rest in the arms of Jesus.
Ex-New-ager talks about his experience in the world while searching for something powerful in his life.
Janet Boyes challenges individuals and the church to reach out with a message of hope and restoration to those who struggle with identity issues.
Pastor Dan Tomberlin talks to us about demons & angels and the authority that Jesus has given us.
Marcia Montenegro, a former professional astrologer for 8 years and teacher of astrology; a former practitioner for many years of Eastern-type meditation and beliefs, and who engaged in various occult practices such as having a spirit guide and doing astral travel tells about how she came to know the ONE TRUE living God, JESUS! This is one of the most powerful podcasts Janet has ever done!
God has given Reed Swanson a powerful Word all from the book of Ephesians! He is actually writing a book called, “How To Redeem the Time in Evil Days” First four chapters of his book are on Identity: Learning how to love yourself, how to value your value, being worthy of love, and being forgiven!
In this episode you will hear an encouraging word that God is not wanting to destroy you, nor put sickness on you, steal from you, take away from you or leave you depressed, desolate, and alone! No! God is a God of multiplication and He’s wanting to add and multiply in your life, not subtract and divide.
You don’t choose your assignments but they choose you! All of your disappointments have led you to where you are now. You are called to greatness! God has something GREATER…something BETTER in your life, in your destiny. GOD IS UP TO SOMETHING GREATER THAN YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE!
When tears become your food and drink, God has a promise attached to them!
Let’s do something different and take the word “view” or “arrival” and use it in our everyday life and practice “Seeing Jesus Alive” and ACTIVE! Let’s prepare and get ready for Jesus to show up in our everyday lives! Jesus is taking His place in my thoughts, my circumstances, my disappointment, in my losses, and in my blessing!
Finding H.E.R. is a love story of a man and woman finding their way to God and in return, she finds H.E.R.self in the process and her husband finds his way back home!
Jeff Stanford is a pastor who had covid pneumonia and was lying on his death bed. But Joy, his wife, brought healing to him by her faith believing that he would live and not die!
God will take the mess, pain, and of your life and work it all together for His divine plan. What the world calls coincidence, God calls providence.
Carey Rostofer’s 500-mile journey by foot led her to the heart of Jesus through pastors, missionaries, and adopted parents who gave her hope.
Carey Rostofer’s mom was murdered in front of her and her dad was killed 3 years later in the war. Now she’s an orphan, her country is being overtaken by communists and there is ONE VOICE who is crying out on her behalf among 23 other orphans. JESUS!
Rescued from the jungles of Vietnam in the middle of war and chaos.
Bishop Timothy W. Griffin tells a powerful testimony of how “we” compare the outcome of our struggles to the outcome of “others,” especially when it involves death.
William “Bill” and Shelia Lee give insight into how the pandemic has revealed the idols that the church has built without being aware of it. The pandemic was a crisis, but the idols he spoke of painted a picture of a crisis within a crisis.
American Idol contestant Gazzie White tells her story of going to Hollywood with American Idol and the storms she faced before and after she was trying to achieve her dreams.
A prophetic word for those who have been suffering! Hope is not something you pull out of the sky! It is PRODUCED!
Chris Igwe’s family calls him the “Umbrella of Hope” because, since a child, he’s had a keen awareness of the work of the Holy Spirit and the voice of God in his life. Chris tells his story of persecution and suffering but also shares the miraculous stories that God performed in his life and that saved his life.
Monica Kelsey is adopted and found out later on in life she was a product of rape. Monica made it her mission to help parents in crisis as her own birth mother was when she abandoned Monica as an infant.
Dee Boyd is helping women rediscover self-worth after sexual trauma and abortion.
Dee Boyd is helping women rediscover self-worth after sexual trauma and abortion.
Dee Boyd is helping women rediscover self-worth after sexual trauma and abortion.
Caleb tells his story of the diagnoses of Tourette’s and how God showed him that it’s his gift, not a curse!
A mom and two daughters find their hope and their way through Covid by making music together!
Bishop Gary Lewis was hit with a pandemic and literally involved in a “hit and run” accident while riding his bike.
A story of how God helped a pastor build his church through a Life Coach and Faith. Because of his faith and a life coach, the church has survived the pandemic and is now thriving!
Christi Cowart almost lost her mom to Covid Pneumonia, but God performed a miracle and delivered her off of her sick bed! God shhhhh’d the storm and brought peace to every troubled heart!
Three signs that may indicate that someone will follow through with suicide.
Jim Hockaday is a man who walks in the power of the Holy Spirit with the gift of healing and miracles. He has his own Story of Miracles, Signs, and Wonders in his own life.
Emmanuel Almeraz grew up hard, fatherless, and in the projects! Always struggling, fighting, and getting into some trouble. Debbie, his wife, prayed for him and never gave up on God to heal and restore their marriage.
This is a story of hard beginnings, a hard life, and a life without a father. People in the community became the hands, feet, and heart of God as they reached out and helped a child whose mom was in prison and whose dad was not involved in his life.
The sons of Pastor Cary and Janet Swanson give their perspective of what it’s like growing up in a pastor’s home and their view of their father.
Faythe Radona is a survivor of childhood abuse, abandonment, drugs, sex trafficking, domestic violence, self-harm, and suicide!
Dr. Delene Musielak is a doctor, motivational speaker, and devout follower of Christ. In this episode, she discusses how God works and speaks through her medical practice.
Kenise Etwaru talks to us about her divorce and how God took all the broken pieces of her life and built something beautiful from her ashes!
LeighAnn Soesby is praying for the body of Christ to rise up and take her place. The House of God is a house of prayer. Out of prayer, you will start to see restoration, healing, restoration, and miracles.
Heather Wallace lost 122 pounds! She actually gained 100 pounds after having a hysterectomy. She tells how God helped her through it all in order to do it!
Recognizing God’s faithfulness throughout the generations… even in a pandemic!
This month we are bringing awareness to childhood sexual abuse. Chare shares her story of healing from childhood sexual abuse by her grandfather, who was a Christian and highly respected in the community and the church.
Beth shares her story of healing from the one thing her father had always tried to protect her from!