On Being Still
It’s very easy to start feeling like the lack of forward momentum or breakthrough is because of something you are not doing…
It’s very easy to start feeling like the lack of forward momentum or breakthrough is because of something you are not doing…
I can battle through the toughest of challenges and still find a way to hold onto hope and grow in my faith.
As we choose to draw close to ‘the God of all comfort’, we open ourselves up to discovering that the God of all comfort is drawing near too.
There is a time and a purpose for every season because every season prepares the way for the next one.
Often those small fears and worries are all just masking over our greatest fear of all.
But do you know what the word testimony means? In Hebrew, it comes from a root word that means ‘do it again.’
I want you to have a place to be able to come and immerse yourself in the power that a testimony can hold. Because if God did it for them, He can do it again.
Therefore, as you read, open yourself up to the possibility that what He did for them, He is not only able, but also willing to do for you.
I know that it seems irrational, illogical, and downright ridiculous to continue to believe month after month, year after year for the impossible, but I can’t help but be expectant of it.
Confidence looks like buying another pregnancy test when the last 20 were negative because you know your God says you are fruitful and you will multiply.
Eventually, this connection grew into a merger when the two realized they could bring adoption preparation and support to the next level.
I let the truth sink in that 1 in 8 couples really do suffer from infertility. Too often we hear statistics and brush them to the side, but sometimes it’s good to entertain them.
If I am being completely honest, there were several days that I struggled to remember what I had been promised.
On my darkest days, I asked God hard questions. Why isn’t the healing promised in scripture coming?
Like me, you might feel as though you are stuck in a chapter of waiting, and as a result, suffering shame. But know this, you and I won’t be ashamed.
It’s hard not to think about how I’d planned for my life to go and what is actually playing out in front of me.
I was limiting God because I only considered my own power and my own ideas, instead of trusting Him.
But one thing I have learned through all of this is that adopting my beautiful daughter does not “fix” my fertility struggle.
I’ve found that when you’re searching for the Father’s heart, you find His gifts and His goodness in the loveliest places.
Many have asked if I have been dreading this day or if I am bummed to be another year older while still trying to fulfill a dream.