If the burden of life feels too heavy to handle, maybe you’re carrying something you were never meant to carry alone. Joel helps us identify why we carry too much, implement boundaries and balance, and understand how to prioritize what matters most.
Give yourself permission to slow down. In this episode, Jodi offers slow-living shifts and ways to care for your soul by creating a path away from burnout and toward restoration.
Don’t be afraid to share the things God has done for you.
Today, I’m sharing a devotion from “Astounded,” Letters from a Lonely Laundry Basket, and giving three keys to help encourage you when something shifts your normal.
How we traverse relational tension inside the church goes a long way when we seek to influence people outside the church.
Do you ever feel unsure of God’s call on your life or unsettled by what you see around you? Few people understand these emotions more than Priscilla. I recently walked in her shoes through Greece and Turkey, and I’m sharing one of the most impactful moments here today.
You have the autonomy to make decisions that honor and respect your values and feelings.
People disappoint. They always have and they always will.
There’s something powerful about being able to connect face-to-face with someone lonely or hurting.
Do you ever feel unsure of God’s call on your life or unsettled by what you see around you? Few people understand these emotions more than Priscilla. I recently walked in her shoes through Greece and Turkey, and I’m sharing one of the most impactful moments here today.
May we never let our hearts fail to see the value in fighting for one another.
Letting someone we love fall flat in their face is tough!
Jennifer Rothschild became blind at age fifteen and now helps others live beyond limits. She and Angela talk about navigating our feelings in seasons of disappointment and living an abundant life in Christ no matter what the circumstances.
On this week’s podcast, Angela shares one of her most powerful teachings.
Our choice to monitor what we hear and say will define us as a trustworthy person.
Connection will do its job when we can rest in the comfort of trustworthy others.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they conclude their story. In this episode learn where Table and Well are today and what the future holds. Listen as they talk about Co-Labs and Community 101 and how their healing, growth, and simple yes to following God on this crazy journey has produced true, deep transformation in others.
She Found His Grace is a story of healing for anyone who has experienced abortion. It is also a call to action for the church. There is hope, love, and forgiveness after abortion.
Listen in as Tennison and Ginelle talk through the “origin story” of Table and Well, what the process was in the development, and how God was preparing them to launch Table and Well for over a year. Learn why the name Table and Well is so important to them and the meaning behind the name.
Peace. It’s something most people are searching for. But how do we find it? Especially when life gets rainy and stormy? Where do we anchor our hearts and lives when the winds start to blow and the rain begins to fall? Discover how to find peace in the storm in this new podcast episode.
Melinda champions and equips Christian parents of LGBTQ-identified children to love well, not compromise the Word of God, and faith in prayer.
Listen in as their daughter, Liv (Alivya), joins them to openly and honestly unpack how her early years and her parents’ undoing affected her and their relationship. How their mutual growth and intentional conversations to face the hard things have repaired and restored their connection and relationship.
Mandy shares the story of how God used an introvert like her to step out of her comfort zone and follow God. A self-titled “unlikely difference maker,” she reminds us that God can use us, too, when we dare to say yes!
We are called not to a life of comparison but to a life of authentic living, rooted in the knowledge of God’s love and plan for us.
In this episode, they tell comical and relatable stories of setbacks and victories as they began to turn the corner in their marital connection. Listen in and discover the importance of creating Joy moments and learning the art of play and how they are needed for healthy, deep relationships.
March is all about: 1) Finding the strength of sisterhood, 2) Living in the power of surrender, and 3) Answering the call to be a bridge.
This episode looks at how the lack of relational maturity skills and trauma contributed to the dysfunction in their marriage. You will also hear how Joy and connection begin the healing process in every area of their lives.
Happiness and purpose—we work ceaselessly for them, but what does God have to say about our efforts?
Over the next 4-5 episodes Ginelle and Tennison will unpack their continuing journey to relational health and maturity. You will learn where and how the journey started, how the lack of relational maturity skills and trauma contributed to the dysfunction in their marriage, and how it affected their children. You will also hear how Joy and connection begin the healing process in every area of their lives.
Can you imagine what might change if we truly lived captivated by God’s love?
What do you do when you find yourself embedded in a narcissistic church culture? Should the leadership be removed altogether or can restoration happen and the leaders continue to lead? What would it take to change the culture? Who is at fault when narcissistic leadership emerges?
Victoria Riollano, mom of 8, knows it’s not easy raising faithful kids in the world today
By being a good neighbor, we open our hearts and homes to unexpected blessings and the joy of shared experiences.
What do you do when you find yourself embedded in a narcissistic church culture? Should the leadership be removed altogether or can restoration happen and the leaders continue to lead? What would it take to change the culture? Who is at fault when narcissistic leadership emerges?
Each month I’ll take you behind the scenes of ministry, adventures, things I’m loving, and insights God’s downloading.
How do we get so caught up and miss what is actually happening right in front of our faces? How do we miss the people who are being hurt, disowned, and even excommunicated by the organization that we have given our lives to? How do we allow narcissism to run rampant in our churches and community?
In Loving Samaritans, pastor Terry Crist demonstrates how it’s possible to live a life of radical inclusivity without compromising one’s beliefs or the truth of the Gospel.
Part 35 – If living Whole-Brained is truly how God created us, why don’t we? Why does it seem so hard to live relationally? What are we missing, or is this really just an unrealistic utopian dream? Or does it simply come back full circle to maturity?
Acknowledging our flaws and struggles creates a bond of shared humanity.
We act cowardly to protect ourselves.
Imagine writing love letters to the man in the future whom you will one day marry but have yet to meet. Cally talks about embracing singleness, waiting for God’s best, and celebrating God’s plans for you right now.
When people are hurt, it’s best to simply humble yourself and take personal responsibility with no “but” attached.
Part 34 – Tennison and Ginelle continue their conversation about practical skills that, when practiced, will help you live more relationally aware and mature. They will also talk about what your results could be when these skills are practiced.
Motivating others is about aligning their goals with yours.
God placed you in families, workplaces, churches, and neighborhoods to be around people who suffer.
Like so many of us, Bible study mentor Sarah Frazer found herself saying, “God, this wasn’t part of the plan. I didn’t sign up for this.”
Thankfully, there will be times when your heart connects deeply with another.
Part 33 – If living Whole-Brained is truly how God created us, why don’t we? Why does it seem so hard to live relationally? What are we missing, or is this really just an unrealistic utopian dream? Or is it simply, we don’t have the relational skills?
Wise counsel from those around you who are mature in the Lord, can often prevent you from making critical mistakes.
In the face of unthinkable circumstances, Noree Bowbeer’s uncommon courage gave the gift of life to her son, Christian Johnson.
God never intended us to walk through life alone, trusting no one but ourselves and Him.
Part 32 – In this episode, Tennison and Ginelle will be discussing what Whole-Brained relational mature pastors and leaders look like. What character traits that we should be looking for, and be seen, in our leaders. What is the purpose of the titles, Apostle, Pastor, Prophet, Teacher, Evangelist, that we give our leader
Is unbridled freedom dividing America?
Your healing will take place within the context of His people, not wandering alone.
Part 31 – Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin to unpack Whole-Brained Christianity. In this episode, they will revisit the 4 ingredients for healthy soil and what a Whole-Brained church could look like.
Stephanie Rousselle’s hope-filled story as a former atheist to the founder of Gospel Spice Ministries is unforgettable. She helps us to start this year by trusting the goodness of God.
Part 30 – Join Tennison and Ginelle as they discuss the ways to protect your community from the disease of narcissism, the importance of a mature community, and the formula needed to eradicate this disease from our churches, communities, and family.
For some reason, everyone feels compelled to offer opinions that they haven’t even spent five minutes thinking through.
No one – at times – doesn’t feel taken for granted.
Do you feel too busy to pray? Then you’re invited to find REST in God’s loving presence. Today’s guest, Asheritah Ciuciu, offers you a respite from your spiritual to-do list in her book, Prayers of Rest: 365 Prompts to Hear God’s Voice.
Jesus prayed all night about who to choose as His twelve friends and He made them His family.
Part 29 – Join Tennison & Ginelle as they discuss and dissect these two very different ways to operate in enemy mode, the effects of each, and what is happening in your brain and the brain of the narcissist while this is happening.
How do we exchange hurt for hope? As a recovered drug addict, stage-four cancer survivor, and former widow, Sheryl fought anxiety, depression, and despair for years before understanding her identity in Christ.
Alisa Childers helps us understand progressive Christianity, deconstruction, and the non-negotiables of faith in Jesus Christ.
Cancer touches everyone and yet churches are often under-equipped. How can cancer be a blessing? How do we best minister to cancer patients and caregivers?
Today’s episode offers encouragement to any woman praying about a call to ministry.
Heated arguments between keyboard warriors, “unfriending” family or friends who believe differently than us, and wars on the international stage—our world is full of conflict. Dr. Oletha Barnett believes God created diversity far beyond race and that He designed diversity, which can often lead to conflict, to grow us, and give us opportunities to practice biblical principles. Through that, we can find unity.
Our fear should be staying at tables and partaking in things that God hates.
Episode #199 – Today’s episode is a much-needed candid conversation for anyone who is tired of hustling and never feeling enough, and longing to truly embrace grace. Blake helps us know how to take a bold stand for Christ in today’s contentious culture.
Peace. It’s something most people are searching for. But how do we find it? Especially when life gets rainy and stormy? Where do we anchor our hearts and lives when the winds start to blow and the rain begins to fall? Discover how to find peace in the storm in this new podcast episode.
If you want to thrive instead of strive in your marriage in 2024, this episode is for you! Christa Hardin, MA, is a relationship expert, author, and podcast host. We talk about practical ways we can better understand and support each other.
Episode #197 – Carol shares her powerful story and helps us: 1) Make hope-filled choices during a crisis, 2) Understand the value of community, and 3) Relinquish control and trust God with our children and circumstances.
When I ache, moan, and suffer for my many sins, God wraps His arms around me and whispers, “You are still mine.”