Bible Study/Devotional

Waiting Expectantly

The child of God receives from the riches of Heaven by the hand of God Almighty.

Proverbs 13

Keep looking to Jesus and let Him revive, refresh, and restore.

Holy Resemblance

His blood shed on Calvary’s Cross covers the repentant sinner in forgiveness, adopting them into God’s family.

Radiant Ones

Don’t let the enemy steal what is rightfully yours, your inheritance.

Spiritual Security

The world will always threaten and attack us, but our spiritual security is always active.

Proverbs 12

We are called to bring healing with our words.

Proverbs 11

God will bless your business as you hold integrity and honesty in high regard.  

Proverbs of Solomon

May we honor You in all we say and do, leading the way for others to come and to know You.  

The Tides of Time

The two things that are for certain in this world and control our lives are time and tide.

A New Garment

Peter encourages us to put on a new garment; one of truth and love – the Word of God.

Sharing Our Praises

Sometimes He will bless us through a timely provision in life, be it an incident or through another person.

The Rock of Joy

He will save us and be our refuge in whatever storm we are in the midst of.

Blessed are the Merciful

The practice of mercy is infectious; it receives mercy in return from those who are blessed by mercy at first.


There is nothing quite like the promise of a friend or loved one to stand with you in difficult times.

While We Have Breath

When I see someone in distress, I am reminded of my dependence upon the Eternal One.

Trusting God

Do we throw unholy tantrums when things are not going our way?

Blessed are the Persecuted Part 2

It certainly takes a resilient faith to hold firmly to the blessings found in scripture for those persecuted for their love of Christ.

Blessed are the Gentle

In modern society being meek, gentle, or humble are not admired attributes – indeed they are often mocked.

Burning Coals

To display His love may lead others to repentance for sin they have committed.

Being Watched

If our Lord’s enemies watched Him closely, His enemies today also watch us closely.

Blessed are the Poor

I believe our Lord cares for the poor in all aspects of their life whether it be physical or spiritual.

Wisdom Is Supreme

God’s heart is yearning for whole-hearted passion and dedication.  

Anxiety Management

Believing God will hear and answer, and His peace will lighten our burden.

Heaven’s Windows

Only the sight of God’s hand at work and the recognition of it will open up the window of the soul.

Divine Anointing

David was chosen by the Divine weighing of his heart for the things of God.

Serving Until The End

However long we live, it is a gift of God for faithfulness, and that we may live with purpose  – serving Him.

People of God

By the deliberate choice of God’s grace, He has made a way for us to be saved from our sin.

The Answer of the Man of God

David’s victory and that of the Israelite army were not won by any great military strength or tactics, the battle belonged to God.

Always Ready

There are no holidays or retirement from sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with lost souls.

Daily Blessings

His grace and glory are eternally linked and shown to those who love His Son Jesus Christ.

Stuck In The Mud

Being in the depths of trouble very often we can do nothing for ourselves.

Anchored In Prayer

Our faith anchored in Him holds us steady and makes our prayers more effective in His hands.

O Valiant Warrior!

What an awesome greeting the angel of the Lord had for young Gideon at the threshing floor.

Attaining Wisdom

Being prudent and disciplined will pave the way for our future.  

The Lord’s Fishermen

The whole business from our redemption to our going Home is achieved by God’s mercy bestowed upon us.

Making Godly Introductions

As children of God our Father, we have authority to speak His Word into the lives of the lost that we meet.


In this episode of Coffee and Prayer, we talk about not being too far gone, the consequences of your actions, hating sin and hungering for God, reformation, and paying attention to the warning signs.

Abide For Me

God is calling His children to not play the harlot with the temptations of this evil world.

Abide In Me

We must be in Him to be fed that we may bear fruit of the Vine.

Abide With Me

There is no greater reassurance than feeling safe, particularly in the company of a strong protector.

Reality of Rejection

The witness of a child of God in a godless world is an uncomfortable experience for those who reject God.

In All Circumstances

If we serve God with our little, He will increase our humble offering and bless us richly.