Strange sights! I see caps and gowns that one might usually presume came from a Graduation Ceremony.
They’re flying around in the sky, blown by an unseen wind. There are hundreds of them all over the place.
No sooner does a piece fall to earth than it is caught up and whisked away again. People are running around trying to catch them but, when they do, so the wind snatches them from their grasp, and the ‘owner’ is left clothed only in his or her street clothes.
They were joined in the streets by others, clothed normally — some more formal, some less formal. T
They were joined by a whole crowd who began to enjoy the cycle of chase, catch, lose it again, and chase again.
This went on for some time and some did catch their cap and gown — although a few seemed relieved to have lost theirs.
This time, when the chasers finally grabbed something, they held tight and refused to let go, eventually donning their robes once again and, to be fair, they started to do some ‘well-earned’ preening to ‘look the part’ as it were.
I heard The LORD chuckle! “What was that all about, LORD?” I asked.
“It was preparation for the coming season,” He answered, then added, “A little bit of fun, sifting wheat and chaff!
You’re witnessing the changes in ministry coming to the real church in the coming season.
Those chasing caps and gowns are those with much book learning who have seen their qualifications as their badge of office.
The ‘normally dressed’ ones are the new breed of pastors, healers, and evangelists who are totally driven and guided by My Spirit.
There is a new breed of ministry coming where qualifications are good but not entirely necessary.
These shall glow and burn with Holy Spirit’s presence and their ministries will be fruitful.
Those whom you saw holding on to their caps and gowns are those who, in varying degrees, will have a hard time leaving tradition and pomp behind — some never will!
Let those who have ears to hear listen carefully to what The Spirit says, and be careful to follow where He leads!
I AM leading My Church, My Remnant from all Churches, from glory to Glory in the coming season!” says The LORD.
Featured Image by Gillian Callison from Pixabay